General News

Easter Seals pandemic efforts still go a long way

November 26, 2020   ·   0 Comments

Written By ROBERT BELARDI Families who care for their children with disabilities know a life an average person wouldn’t.  There are many challenges, including mounting ...

Ontario invests in expansion of mobile crisis services for mental health and addictions

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL Local journalism initiative reporter Over $37 million is being provided to expand mental health services across the province to provide necessary ...

Council meetings go live for the public

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER Caledon Council is transitioning their weekly meetings to live streams to allow members of the public to ...

CCS Home for the Holidays Gala continues – virtually at home

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER In spite of the difficulties in fundraising for various programs and services, Caledon Community Services (CCS) remains ...

Council raises concerns for local business during lockdown

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL local journalism initiative reporter During the Town Council meeting on November 24, several Councillors shared their concerns for local businesses who ...

Ontario creates task force for future vaccine distribution

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL local journalism initiative reporter As we get closer to a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, the Provincial government has created a ...

Local author releases new children’s book on area history

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL local journalism initiative reporter Nancy Early, local resident and author, has orchestrated a fun children’s book to celebrate Alton Village’s 200th ...

LifeLabs announces antibody test to detect past COVID-19 exposure

Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL local journalism initiative reporter On November 23, Canada’s largest community lab, LifeLabs, announced it was taking the next step towards protecting ...

Peel Region enters lockdown, along with Toronto, for 28 days

Written By Alyssa Parkhill Local journalism initiative reporter With the number of confirmed cases rapidly rising in Peel Region, the Provincial Government has had to ...

Local chef brings fine dining to you through new venture

Written By BRIAN LOCKHART When he lost his job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chef Matthew Metcalfe decided to continue his art on a more ...

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