
‘Elder Trudeau’ wasn’t that bad

March 25, 2014   ·   0 Comments

I’m starting to suspect that Claire Hoy is maybe not a Liberal supporter. In his recent column, “Government by Chargex,” Hoy was appalled that Federal ...

Local politics as morality play

Since I moved here a few years ago, our Town council in Caledon has come in for a lot of flack, for trying to limit ...

Don’t need to jump on marijuana ‘bandwagon

The following letter, addressed to the Town of Caledon, was submitted to the Citizen for publication. Regarding the proposed bylaw on medicinal marijuana production facilities; ...

CTHP thanked

Orangeville Chorus, Sweet Adelines International wishes to express appreciation to the Caledon Townhall Players for their generosity in providing benefit nights to non-profit groups in ...

Learn of emerald ash borer

Millions of ash trees across Ontario have already been lost to the destructive pest, emerald ash borer (EAB). EAB was discovered and confirmed by the ...

Liberals support veterans

I am pleased to advise letter writer Craig Honey in his Feb. 20 letter to the Caledon Citizen that the Liberal Party of Canada is ...

Do something about windrows

With this winter came a lot more snow fall. As I drive around I see mountains of snow. What I don’t get is why the ...

Liberals have positions too

At our last meeting of the Dufferin-Caledon Federal Liberal Association, I was elected to act as Director, Communications. Among my responsibilities in that position is ...

Glad mayor’s reputation intact

Finally, after years of frustration, character assassination and much indignation, Mayor Marolyn Morrison has been fully exonerated from the abusive accusation of taking bribes and ...

Veterans deserve better

The following letter, addressed to Eglinton — Lawrence MP Joe Oliver, was submitted to the Citizen for publication. As I have been receiving almost daily emails ...

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