
Where were Green?

July 17, 2014   ·   0 Comments

I am a Grade 4 student and I go to Alton Public School. We were learning about the vote, but when we talked about the ...

Councillors are our employees

It is with great interest that I read your editorial, concerning the outcome of the Provincial election, and linking it with the Canadian Tire issue ...

Laugh Out Loud was big success for CPCC

Ten years ago, the signature fundraising event of Caledon Parent-Child Centre (CPCC), Laugh Out Loud, was born. The vision of a small group CPCC staff ...

Protect your privacy

Why would our government want to pass Peter MacKay’s Online Spying Bill C-13? This bill would enable authorities to invade the private lives of any ...

We elect the dictators

A couple of observations about the letter by reader Linda Groundsell, criticizing Justin Trudeau. I might add at this point that in more than 50 ...

Trudeau was just stating party policy

Letter writer Linda Groundsell wrote in the Caledon Citizen (Trudeau is ‘backtreading on his promise’) she is upset that Justin Trudeau was imposing on Liberal ...

Community contributed to a great parade

On behalf of the Kinsmen Club of Bolton, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of many local businesses that made it possible for Santa ...

MP’s advocacy on Service Canada pays off

Re: Fears for future of Service Canada in Bolton (Caledon Citizen, Nov. 24). I want to express my gratitude to David Tilson, MP for Dufferin-Caledon, ...

Shouldn’t forget ‘the wonders above us’

Bill Rea’s column, “It’ll soon be time to go to Mars” (Dec. 11, 2014) was a welcome prompt to keep our eyes fixed on the ...

Why the Ontario Liberals won last week

First off, Dufferin-Caledon federal Liberals congratulate our provincial cousins for winning a majority government in Ontario having prevailed in very difficult circumstances. To many of ...

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