
Residents must ‘make democracy work’

October 1, 2014   ·   0 Comments

For the past month, I have been consumed by the Cheltenham Badlands parking lot issue, working to raise awareness about the lack of preservation of ...

Open letter to candidates for mayor

This is the first time that I am running for public office and I have a different perspective on the political process than most of ...

A citizen’s cry for action

Last June, I responded to a Notice of Decision from the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) as to the erection of a parking lot on Olde ...

Time for new faces on town council

I believe all things in life can be categorized as right, and wrong. Seven years ago, my wife and I purchased 35 acres and dreamed ...

We can do better than a parking lot at the Badlands

As a landscape architect/urbanist, born and raised in Caledon, and currently doing my masters in Oslo, where I have been focusing my research on river ...

Don’t ‘improve’ Belfountain roads

The following letter, addressed to Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa, was submitted to the Citizen for publication. It is widely reported that despite an expansive ...

Need an inquiry on missing aboriginal women

Prime Minister Harper has dismissed a call for a public inquiry to look into missing and murdered aboriginal women, arguing that he sees this as ...

Government won’t move fast on Court ruling

Regarding the right-to-die decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, allow me to submit the following observation. Those who are against it need not worry ...

Why promote outside businesses?

I was speaking to a Regional councillor about the problem of Bolton residents not supporting local business, and how there have been so many small ...

We have to be advocates for social justice

Each one of us needs encouragement and affirmation from time to time to begin to believe in ourselves and become engaged once more with the ...

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