
Government bans one per cent of cosmetic pesticide use to win votes

March 4, 2015   ·   0 Comments

We are an amazing society here in the Big Smoke/Southern Ontario, at least from where I sit. When we want to put a product on ...

Remember Canadian Tire when voting

Last week, while driving home from Toronto on Highway 50, mid-week and midday, my husband and I were amazed at the volume of traffic, especially ...

Caledon resident’s response to ‘Battleground Caledon’ in Toronto Life

As a resident of Caledon and a person whose roots here extend back almost 100 years, I read the article Battleground Caledon in the September ...

Like idea of making staff accountable

In response to Mark Radford’s open letter to mayoralty candidates (Sept. 25): The idea of the tracking system is the best idea I have heard ...

Hoy was ‘demeaning and sarcastic’

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion including Claire Hoy in his July 31 column “Predictable report shrugged off.” Going well beyond his own biases, ...

Drawings are not offensive

There has been a little bit of controversy surrounding Peel Works decision to do an adaptation of the famous March of Progress drawing for their ...

Candidate believes experience would benefit council

I would like to extend my appreciation for the coverage that you provided regarding the debates that took place in Ward 2 (though I’m not ...

Councillors suddenly favour engagement

Monday night’s candidates’ debate in Alton was a real eye-opener. There was an excellent turnout from the community to hear the contenders spin their tales ...

Thanks for returning wallet

This is a shout out to St. Louis Bar and Grill Bolton with an enormous “thank you!” On July 28, my family and I had ...

Stop preferential treatment of aggregate industry

Residents of Ontario continue to raise concerns about the special treatment given to the aggregate industry, yet these concerns are not being addressed in government ...

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