
Has new collection system been thought through?

March 27, 2015   ·   0 Comments

The article last week about the roll-out of another recycling scheme by Peel Region got me wondering if central planning ever thinks these things through. ...

Seniors have fallen through the cracks

I would like to alert the Regional councillors and anyone else who could possibly amend the proposed flawed cart (garbage collection) program that is being ...

Congratulations Jennifer

Jennifer Innis will be the new Regional councillor for Albion and Caledon East (Wards 3 and 4 – Town of Caledon), a position that I ...

Lots of good ideas came up in campaign

With the election behind us, I’d like to congratulate those candidates who got elected and encourage them to have an open mind toward the ideas ...

Remember My Name

By Justin Long A life in this uniform, boots so black and a weapon to shine, I stand for all that is right and I’ll ...

Run for Terry Fox

Please join us Sept. 14 for the 34th annual Terry Fox Run, raising funds for cancer research, sponsored for the 15th year by the Rotary ...

Jones should be able to use housing allowance

I am a citizen of Caledon and I have read the articles printed about MPP Sylvia Jones’s spending on housing allowance. I think people need to ...

Bolton and District Horticultural Society looking for members

Did you know that the United Nations’ goal is to plant one billion trees worldwide each year? As part of the United Nations Billion Tree ...

Remember those who died to give you the vote you don’t use

The Caledon municipal election is over. Did you vote? Was the true will of the community heard? No! Why? The voter turnout was 34.35 per ...

Toronto Life article was slanted

The following letter, addressed to Sarah Fulford of Toronto Life magazine, was submitted to the Citizen for publication. Re: Article: Battleground Caledon, September issue. As ...

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