
Hydro One doesn’t spend ‘play money’

June 18, 2015   ·   0 Comments

We all watch and read about all the serious issues with Hydro One and all its customers, us! And listening to Andre Marin (Ontario’s Ombudsman) ...

Citizen democracy

An historic Town council meeting took place Tuesday night. While I am writing this letter as a private citizen, I had the privilege Tuesday of ...

Hurt’n Old Guys starting up again

Another year has come and gone and bike night is just around the corner. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who ...

How long will baby boomers wait for long-term care?

The following letter, addressed to Dufferin-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones, was submitted to the citizen for publication. My sister and I lovingly take care of our almost ...

Need a Jane Jacobs to fight Corridor

At the all candidates’ meeting in Caledon East last fall, an audience member asked the mayoral and council aspirants their views on the GTA West ...

Home and Lifestyle Show was a success

On behalf of the 2015 Caledon Home and Lifestyle Show and the Caledon Chamber of Commerce, let me thank the community, all the vendors, the ...

Provincial budget invests in people

The recently released Ontario Liberal government budget makes historic investments in jobs and infrastructure, while protecting crucial public services which families in Dufferin-Caledon depend on. ...

Teachers’ fight is with government

As a local employer of hundreds and hundreds of young sumer students, some with a strong sense of “entitlement,” my hat is off to all ...

Prayer is out of date

The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision to ensure the separation of church, synagogue, mosque, temple, wiccan sweat lodge and state in meetings of public governance ...

Canadians must oppose Bill C-51

I oppose Bill C-51 for numerous reasons. The primary one is that it violates our fundamental right to privacy and freedom. If this bill passes, ...

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