
A message from friends of the Cheltenham Badlands

October 7, 2015   ·   0 Comments

The following was submitted by the Coalition of Concerned Citizens. We encourage everyone to complete an online survey regarding the future of the Badlands, that ...

A generous donation, but was it intended?

Caledon Community Services (CCS) operates two fabulous thrill-of-the-find thrift stores in Caledon. Chez Thrift on Queen Street has clothing and smaller household articles and the ...

Earn my vote

After being in business for more than 34 years, I absolutely know that if I went into meet a new potential client, and my opening ...

I need a hero — refuse to stay silent — it’s our best hope

By Norah Kennedy Executive Director Family Transition Place The Hope Project is only in its second year, but for me it has already become one ...

Hosting the Olympics

The size and cost to host events like the Olympics have ballooned so much that I cannot remember ever hearing of a city hosting these ...

Why council opposed facilitation

In my opinion, the reason why Caledon council, especially the old councillors including Mayor Thomson, rejected facilitation is only because of the land between Coleraine ...

Have Conservatives been ‘pre-election campaigning?’

The following letter, addressed to Dufferin-Caledon MP David Tilson, was submitted to the citizen for publication. Please clarify for me. This morning (Aug. 2), I just ...

Don’t count out separatists

Regarding National Affairs by Claire Hoy — Some absurd fear-mongering (July 8). “Beyond the absurd fear-mongering of the critics — and the ever-present concern that ...

OPG should stop paying bonuses

From where I sit, I always believed a bonus was something someone received when their work was exceptional, over and above what is expected, with ...

Workforce pays the wealthy, not the other way around

Regarding: Attack on Capitalism misguided — Citizen, July 30. This is the second time in as many weeks that your correspondent Claire Hoy defends the ...

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