
Need a pool to cool off

July 28, 2016   ·   0 Comments

The following letter, addressed to Caledon Councillors Annette Groves and Rob Mezzapelli, was submitted to the Citizen for publication. WHEW, it’s a really hot summer ...

A precedent has been set

Regarding the incident reader Brian Perras wrote about (Citizen July 7): I find the dismissal by the Crown of a serious driving infraction (impaired driving) ...

Helping Hands say thanks

Once again, the Helping Hands Volunteers’ annual bazaar and silent auction at the Davis Centre was a huge success, due to the wonderful community support. ...

Great experience at Community Farm

Recently, my husband and I participated in the Plant-a-thon at Albion Hills Community Farm (AHCF). What a great community experience! I encourage people to explore ...

Public safety should take priority

I am just reading about an Ontario Court Justice dismissing a driving with excess blood alcohol charge because it appears police were in violation by ...

Caledon not rocks, horses, barns and dogs

I attended the Peel Regional council meeting June 23. The contentious part of the agenda centred on the expansion of Regional council seats. Brampton councillors ...

Out with cycling lanes and in with Badlands sidewalk

At Peel Regional council June 9, a motion was approved transferring $700,000 to build the Badlands parking lot, with $300,000 already spent on the design ...

Open house on land use plans June 9

The Province of Ontario last week announced the proposed changes to the four land use plans (Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, ...

My first Mother’s Day

I found out I was pregnant while I was at my annual physical. My doctor wanted to run some tests and asked if I was ...

Where’s PM in ‘time of need?’

The following letter, addressed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. was submitted to the Citizen for publication. As I sit here and watch the news coverage ...

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