
Premier should ‘step down’

April 6, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Dear Kathleen Wynne: If Oscars were handed out at Queen’s Park, you would surely have several. Your latest display of sympathy and concern for the ...

Mayor explains his vote on pool

In reviewing the comments and questions raised recently at the Caledon council meeting and as a result of the recent decision regarding the Mayfield West ...

Apology for reference to parents

Re: My letter “In Defence of Ignorant Elders,” Caledon Citizen April 24. On clearing my mailbox this week, I found a letter from Skid Crease ...

‘Peace be among us’

I was sitting in the church that I regularly attend, Trinity United in Shelburne, at 8 p.m. Feb. 5, thinking what an atrocious, brutal and ...

Cut bureaucracy

The short sightedness of all our governments is unbelievable in 2016-17 times. In the “dark Middle Ages,” the princes, dukes and counts were doing right ...

The case for a pool

My name is Kenneth Bokor and I am one of the initial residents of Southfields Village. I wanted to respond to the negative comments the ...

Caledon village could use a pool

I was totally astounded to read that the new pool for Caledon is to be built six minutes away from Mayfield Pool, and very close ...

Front row seats at council

I had front row seats at Caledon council Oct. 18, 2016. I sat in chambers and listened with great interest to a presentation made by ...

Thanks for helping to welcome Santa

On the behalf of the Caledon Village Association and the Optimist Club of Caledon, I would like to sincerely thank all those who volunteered their ...

Quality may be cause of low enrolment

I read of the latest “low enrolment” challenge at Caledon’s west end schools with interest. I am a parent of a JK aged student in ...

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