
Which way will the court lean?

May 10, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Editorial SINCE 1982, when the British North America Act was “repatriated” to Canada and the government of Pierre Trudeau gave us the Canadian Charter of ...

Rotary Club of Palgrave’s Weekly Rotary Minute

Written by Jim Firth Last Wednesday evening, the Rotary Club of Palgrave was treated to a wonderful presentation by Patricia Franks of CAFFI. Caledon Area ...

So, what happened?

Written by Jasen Obermeyer The Toronto Maple Leafs finished their playoff season on a very low note, after ending their regular seasons on the opposite ...

Looking at the Liberal government’s carbon tax cover-up

Written by David Tilson There is increasing concern about the cost of the current Liberal government’s carbon tax, which Prime Minister Trudeau is trying to ...

It happened today

In this week’s offering, we take a look back through history and note some of the interesting happenings from May 3 over the years. 1469- ...

The dash that represents our lives

Written by Mark Pavilons When you read an obituary, it often mentions the person’s birth year and year of their death, separate by a small, ...

Could this be 1934 all over again?

THE WRIT HASN’T BEEN dropped, but for all intents and purposes the 2018 Ontario election campaign is under way, and we’re facing a five-week deluge ...

Rotary Club of Palgrave Minutes: recognizing The Friends of Rotary

By Ian Kittle The Rotary Club of Palgrave is so fortunate to have a wonderful group of residents who support their local, Canadian and International ...

Credit downgrading shows why 2018 Budget will hurt Ontarians

Written by Sylvia Jones Last Wednesday, April 18th, Moody’s Investor Services, a key credit rating agency, downgraded its outlook for Ontario from “stable” to “negative”, ...

National Oral Health Month: The importance maintaining your teeth

Written by David Tilson There has been much discussion about Pharmacare lately, both at the provincial and federal levels. Provincially, we saw the Province of ...

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