
Candidate believes experience would benefit council

October 3, 2014   ·   0 Comments

I would like to extend my appreciation for the coverage that you provided regarding the debates that took place in Ward 2 (though I’m not sure about being labeled “stay-at-home mom,” as published in the Sept. 25 edition of The Caledon Citizen).
Certainly, “mom” is my favourite title. However, it does seem to oversimplify things a bit. In addition to my personal life, I am also a small business owner. My company, Product Research And Supply Inc., was established in 2002. It specializes in building back office management systems, process flow analysis, graphic communications management and freelance writing.
As you alluded in your article, until I decided to ask the residents to hire me for the position of area councillor for Ward 2, I was also publishing Caledon Spectrum, a magazine that focused on highlighting local businesses, artists, non-profit groups and connecting Caledon’s many communities with each other.
Caledon is in the process of growing by leaps and bounds over a relatively short period of time. We need a council comprised of experienced, objective individuals who understand the importance of effective and consistent community engagement.
We need our Town council to be proactive in working with residents, Town staff and our Chamber of Commerce, to attract and retain a strong commercial and industrial tax base as a means of paying for the growth and keeping property taxes at reasonable levels.
We need a council that will have the foresight to build for our residents today what they will expect to have available to them in the future.
My professional background is in process flow improvement and graphic communications. Since moving to Caledon, I have been instrumental in building a sense of community within Mayfield West because it is important to me that Caledon’s newest community recognizes itself as part of Caledon and that Caledon recognizes SouthFields/Anthem as its own. I have worked tirelessly to bring in community events and economic development opportunities and have done it all with the help of volunteers and next to no budget.
I’m running for Area Councillor because currently there are a number of gaps at the Town where I know that my skillset will prove to be an asset to Ward 2, and Caledon in general.
Hopefully people will recognize the benefit of voting for me because in doing so they will be empowering themselves with a voice that will be heard loud and clear at council. I look forward to continuing to work with our communities to empower them to do what they need to in order to retain their individuality while ensuring that the Town treats all of its residents as relevant and valued taxpayers.
It’s time for fresh ideas and effective leadership at Town Hall. Caledon traditionally shows a strong voter turnout.
By keeping the public informed about the election, who is running and where they stand on the various issues, I believe you are helping ensure that Caledon continues to be a leader in voter turnout on October 27th.
Of course, I hope people will agree that voting for me is what is in their best interests.
Yevgenia Casale
Area Councillor Ward 2



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