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Volunteer MBC acknowledges International Volunteer Managers Day

November 11, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Last Thursday (Nov. 5) was International Volunteer Managers Day, and it was acknowledged by Volunteer MBC.
Now in its 16th year, International Volunteer Managers Day provides the opportunity to celebrate the dedication and leadership that volunteer engagement professionals bring to their role.
Volunteer MBC, the local Volunteer Centre serving the Region of Peel, provides a direct link in helping volunteer engagement professionals find individuals to support their organization’s programs and services through the centre’s On-line Volunteer Referral System and volunteer referral service. Additionally, through their Training Centre for Service Excellence, volunteer engagement professionals gain access to a wide array of sector-related topics to include volunteer engagement recruitment (following the Canadian Code for Volunteer Engagement); the 10 Steps of Volunteer Screening; volunteer retention and training; and standards related to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).
Universally, people recognize the contribution of volunteers — in sport, health, emergency services, faith communities and the environmental lobby. In fact, volunteers are involved in just about every aspect of service delivery in all walks of life.
Volunteering does not take place in isolation. Behind each and every volunteer there is someone who takes on the responsibility of coordinating, supporting, training and recruiting volunteers who help to fulfill a specific need that the organization may have, but also to help fulfill the personal objectives that a volunteer may have and the reason behind why they give of themselves.
It is important to let those professionals know that the spirit of volunteerism is enhanced and enabled by them — and to thank them.
“On this day we extend our sincere thanks to volunteer engagement professionals for doing all that they do to make volunteers feel valued and for their outstanding ability to engage volunteers in various roles within their organizations,” commented Volunteer MBC Executive Director Carine Strong. “It is through the leadership, support and dedication of volunteer engagement professionals that individuals can find true meaning in volunteering. They guide volunteers towards using their expertise and talents to help others, and provide appreciation and recognition for the volunteers’ contribution. The spirit of volunteerism is enhanced and enabled by volunteer engagement professionals every day, so on behalf of our entire team at Volunteer MBC, we thank you for all that you do.”
Over the years this day has grown to now receive support by volunteer-involving agencies and organizations, both large and small, from all around the world. Just as important is the opportunity to educate others about this important work, which is why the catch phrase “Education through Celebration” is used to acknowledge International Volunteer Managers Day.
The theme of International Volunteer Managers Day 2015 was “Volunteer Managers: The power behind Super Hero Volunteers.”



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