
Time to ‘fight for the future of Caledon’

July 6, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Never have I seen an issue galvanize Caledon as the recent Region of Peel council push to force Caledon council to facilitation on Regional Official plan Amendment (ROPA) 28 in support of Solmar Developments.
Community support is overwhelming, except for a small group called Your Voice for Bolton.
I have spent years on the outside, voicing disapproval for the EMG Lease deal, Kaneff Golf Course development and the Canadian Tire Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO). ROPA 28 is about settlement expansion for employment lands, and always has been. At no time in my recollection were the residents of Bolton against classifying these lands to the south and west of their homes for industry. In fact, Your Voice came into existence to fight against the Canadian Tire approval because it was too big and too close to residents. So why now would Your Voice be supportive of creating whole neighbourhoods beside this industrial land? I can’t understand their motivation.
At last Tuesday’s special council meeting, there was no delegation from Solmar, Your Voice or anyone in support of facilitation to open the door on ROPA 28. Opportunity was provided to anyone who showed interest. One gentlemen confessed his lack of understanding of council’s motivation and kudos to Councillor Jennifer Innis, who directed staff to review the history and explain the issue in plain terms.
As the husband of Councillor Barb Shaughnessy, I have a unique perspective. Mayor Allan Thompson and council are committed to transparency and maintaining Caledon’s ability to direct its future. The group Your Voice for Bolton must also be transparent with what motivates them. In my mind, this matter is one of governance; Mississauga’s and Brampton’s attempt to dismantle the Region of Peel by discrediting Caledon.
This is a time to put history aside and fight for the future of Caledon.
Tim Forster,



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