This page was exported from Caledon Citizen [ ] Export date:Thu Sep 5 18:00:12 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Who’s minding the gate? --------------------------------------------------- by BRIAN LOCKHART Two Toronto men, a father and son, have been arrested in Richmond Hill on terror-related charges. RCMP report the men were in the “advanced stages” of planning a violent attack. That's right – in a Canadian city. Who knows who would have been injured or murdered in the planned attacks? These two idiots face a total of nine charges including conspiracy to commit murder for the benefit or at the direction of a terrorist group – namely ISIS. They were arrested in a hotel room in Richmond Hill after a month-long investigation that involved multiple police services. They also face weapons charges for having an axe and a machete which they had with them at the hotel when they were arrested. What a nightmare this would have been, if police had not discovered their intentions. What kind of a sick mind would even consider using a machete on another person? Especially a stranger. What kind of a sick person would allegedly encourage his son to engage in the murder of innocent people – in a peaceful country, that gave them refuge? At age 62, this guy has ruined his life, as well as the life of his son, who will no doubt, if convicted, be spending the majority of his best years behind prison bars. The questions regarding this case go a lot deeper with the big question being: Why are they even here? Going even deeper, the question must be, are there more of them in this country who have slipped through the gates and planning more attacks? Where was the failure in the process that scrutinizes who is allowed to land on our shores? It has been revealed that the father in this case, previously appeared in a video with his terrorist friends, dismembering a prisoner. After this, he arrived on Canadian shores in 2018 and made a refugee claim, which was accepted. Apparently, they didn't check him out quite enough. I'd be worried living next door to a guy who was previously involved with a terrorist group, and who enjoyed it so much he took part in a nefarious video, which showed him committing a terrorist and criminal act.   Even worse, this idiot was granted Canadian citizenship in May 2024. I guess, the oath for citizenship, which reads, “I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III, King of Canada, His heirs and successors and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada including the constitution which recognizes and affirms the aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples, and fulfill my duties as a Canadian Citizen,” didn't register with him. He failed at all of those requirements and duties. If there ever was a case where a person's citizenship should be revoked, this is it. It has been reported that there was an unspecified “risk indicator” four months after he arrived in Canada, however, he was still given a work permit and allowed to stay. The son, who is 26 years old, is an Egyptian citizen, and apparently as stupid and backwards as his father. He applied for a study permit in 2019, and was rejected. He then entered the county on a U.S. student visa and applied for asylum. Terrorists aren't lone-wolf type people. If this guy was living among us, there is little doubt that he has friends and associates that think the same way. I'm pretty sure authorities are well aware of this and are now taking a good look who he has been hanging out with over the past several years. It is reported that this terror plot was in the “late stages,” meaning they were ready to go ahead with it. It could have been you, or one of your family members who got a machete across the back of your head in a random attack, or whatever these idiots were planning. Everything reported, at this point, is “alleged.” That's just a way of saying the charges haven't been proven in a court of law. If there is one case that should be followed by every Canadian, it's this one. And if the alleged charges are proven in court, the punishment should be severe. Canadians should be questioning who is the gate keeper at the border? Who is keeping our country safe from criminals claiming asylum? This should be a wake-up call to the federal ministry that controls who is allowed to arrive on our shores, because in this case, they made what could have been a very fatal mistake. --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2024-09-05 11:50:38 Post date GMT: 2024-09-05 15:50:38 Post modified date: 2024-09-05 11:50:40 Post modified date GMT: 2024-09-05 15:50:40 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from