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We need the means to make a difference

by Mark Pavilons

We all have the power within us to make a difference and change the world.

Our one act, donation and especially our vote can alter the future. Small daily baby steps can eventually lead to a long and productive journey.

We probably make a difference each and every day, maybe more than we realize.

As productive employees, we contribute to a company's success and the consumable products.

In my case, I help create and produce a tangible product –  newspaper – every week. It serves to inform, educate and express opinions on current events, inside and outside of King Township. It provides a glimpse on what it means to be a King resident, business person, volunteer or artist.

I hope this “product” helps make a tiny bit of difference.

Bob Riley once said that it's not only possible that one person can make a difference; it's essential. “And believe it or not, that person is you.”

Ok, enough of the pleasantries. There is another side to this coin.

Sure, we are all change-agents, influencers and the map-makers of our own destiny.

But in order to leap tall buildings with a single bound we need some leverage, a pretty strong catapult of sorts.

An army of do-gooders, volunteers, fixers, builders needs a means, a practical way to do their work. They also need money.

World Humanitarian Day (Aug. 19) came and went without any fanfare.

Prime Minister Trudeau thanked aid and health workers for their service and the sacrifices they and their families make to keep communities safe.

“We pay special tribute to the real-life heroes who continue to offer life-saving support and protection to the most vulnerable – those affected by armed conflict, violence and unrest, as well as by the rise in extreme weather and natural disasters – all amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world continues to fight the pandemic, aid workers are facing unprecedented challenges to assist those in need – and working hard to overcome them.

“Humanitarian aid workers are the backbone of life-saving responses to crises and their protection is critical. Each year, they apply their knowledge, expertise, and ingenuity to save lives. However, all too often, they face threats to their safety and security such as through targeted and indiscriminate attacks and acts of violence in violation of international humanitarian law.”

Aid organizations, government agencies, NGOs and non-profits, have all stepped up during the pandemic. Not a day goes by where our fellow human beings don't need our help, somewhere on the planet.

Here, in a relatively wealthy nation, we talk about economic recovery and more online business opportunities.

But we have a strong economy and we are on our way to recovery. The same can't be said for many, many countries and citizens around the globe.

And at this point, massive, volunteer aid may be in short supply. With COVID-19 restrictions still in force, travel, boots on the ground and even raising money are all difficult. The much-needed support may have to wait. But those in need may not be able to wait.

They don't enjoy government subsidies, mortgage deferrals, or unemployment payments.

Multiple, potentially deadlier, waves of COVID-19 could continue to threaten millions of lives if leaders fail to prioritize vulnerable people everywhere, according to World Vision. A study they commissioned reveals if the virus continues to thrive in fragile countries, it will pose a perpetual health and economic threat to both the world's poorest people and the richest.

So again, it seems the fortunate, “have” nations will far outpace the “have-nots” in the world. Money talks, and money gets things done.

While this isn't anything new, it's a bit more evident. The divide, even in this country, between the affluent and the middle class, continues to widen.

The middle class, who are the majority of givers, donors, volunteers, are currently suffering. The upper class isn't really fazed, other than losing a few points on their large portfolios.

Oprah Winfrey admitted that what material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people's lives.

Lady Gaga said she doesn't want to be a celebrity or make tons of money. She wants to make a difference.

Even Judge Judy said she has maybe 10 cases a year in which she makes a difference. And those keep her going.

But in all of their situations, they have the power that money and celebrity status bring.

Most of us don't.

Many contest that love, kindness, compassion are never wasted. Every time we extend one of those precious qualities, we make a difference.

But the bottom line is the bottom line. Money is needed, here and abroad, to help our fellow human beings.

Some governments are doing what they can, even if it means hitting record debt levels. Other countries simply don't have the means. Their recovery is in jeopardy.

Unfortunately, our hands are somewhat tied. Without being able to be those boots on the ground, the only thing we can do is help support humanitarian organizations.

I understand the well is running dry, but maybe, in all of our hustle and bustle, we can take time to consider the much less fortunate.

Want to make a difference? Spread the wealth!

Post date: 2020-09-17 11:18:29
Post date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:18:29
Post modified date: 2020-09-17 11:18:38
Post modified date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:18:38
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