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Volunteer for Home James

I know it is hard to imagine, but in a few short weeks we shall all be thinking about Christmas again.
I wanted to take this opportunity to remind all your readers of the dangers of drinking and driving. Even with all the publicity, the public announcements and advertisements, this issue is still sadly very much with us.
Every year, we still hear about people being maimed or killed as a direct result of their consumption of alcohol. This is most certainly a tragedy at any other time of the year, but during the festive season it appears to have an even greater impact.
It can be so easily avoided.
For a few years now here in Caledon, and in many other communities across the country, there has been an alternative that is freely available to all. This alternative is called Home James.
Again this year, a dedicated team of volunteers will be offering this service to our community here in Caledon. Again this year, I will be joining them. While each person will have their own personal reasons for being involved, mine is simply this — I do not want another family to have to deal with the loss, or serious injury of a loved one. I do not want another knock on the door from a police officer, or to have emergency service called out to another scene of carnage, and all because of that “last drink” (or the first one for that matter).
May I challenge others to volunteer their time as well. To get involved in saving just one more life, in doing something to lessen the impact upon our communities, our friends, neighbours and our families.
Home James needs your help.
Richard Schoch,
Post date: 2013-10-12 10:36:02
Post date GMT: 2013-10-12 14:36:02
Post modified date: 2013-10-12 10:36:02
Post modified date GMT: 2013-10-12 14:36:02
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