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Tribute to Don Messer will be performed Sunday by Scott Woods BandBy Bill Rea Don Messer's Jubilee was one of the most popular TV shows in Canadian history, and a tribute to that show will be presented this coming Sunday in Caledon East. Renowned Canadian fiddler Scott Woods and his band will be performing at Caledon Community Complex. It is a fundraiser for Caledon East United Church. Known as The Fergus Fiddler, Woods appeared locally a couple of years ago, but it's a whole new show he'll be putting on this time. “It's a different show every time we go out,” he said. He stressed this will not be an attempt to impersonate Messer. “It's basically just a loving tribute to the music,” he said. “We're trying to really bring back almost a simpler time of life.” Messer represented a period when there was less electronics in music, and that's what Woods said he wants to bring back — “You went to an old-time dance and heard old-time music,” he said. Woods, 43, had been playing since he was four, with plenty of success to show for it. He has twice won the Canadian Open Fiddle Championship, as well as the Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Championship. He is also known affectionately throughout Canada as “The Flippin' Fiddler” – a nickname earned as a result of a running somersault he does while playing his fiddle without missing a beat. It's a busy time for Woods and his band. Sunday's show is among more than 50 performances scheduled between now and the end of June all over the country. And almost all the concerns are in support of churches, charities or some sort of community group. Woods said they got into that practice almost by accident, not long after his father died in 2003. His mother, who played piano with the band, had indicated a desire to go on mission trips, suggesting the band do more benefit concerts. They did about a dozen in 2004, and the word got around, and they did about 80 the following year. “Too be quite honest, it's a win-win,” he said, pointing out the band members get to perform the music they love, while helping to raise money for various worthy causes. Sunday's show will start at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children aged six to 12. They can be obtained at Davis Feed and Farm supply, or by calling Betty at 905-584-2189 or Joanne at 905-584-2118. |
Post date: 2014-03-26 16:47:22 Post date GMT: 2014-03-26 20:47:22 Post modified date: 2014-04-04 17:12:24 Post modified date GMT: 2014-04-04 21:12:24 |
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