Caledon Citizen
Export date: Mon Mar 31 23:33:04 2025 / +0000 GMT

Town launches new online business directory

The Town of Caledon is excited about the newly updated online business directory, powered by YLM.
The online business directory provides visitors, residents and businesses of Caledon with information on places to shop, eat, stay and play.
“Shopping locally creates direct positive impacts for businesses and consumers who will be able to find the products and services they need quickly and easily,” observed Mayor Allan Thompson.
Business operators are urged to be sure they don't miss this opportunity to be found. Participation helps highlight Caledon-based businesses and supports economic growth and competitiveness.
Adding their email enables the Town's Economic Development Office to contact them with upcoming events or business opportunities.
All businesses in Caledon have received a complimentary listing which automatically includes driving directions to their location, a share contact form and website links.
The online business directory has also been expanded in what Caledon-based businesses can to enter into the system for free, it now allows the business owner, to add up to 800 characters of searchable keywords, plus marketing messages; images; logos; social networking links to LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube or Facebook pages; and a new online shopping cart feature (paid feature).
Access the new business directory at and use the HELP link located at the bottom of the page to obtain a secure ID and Password and upgrade or add the listing.
Post date: 2015-08-26 15:07:43
Post date GMT: 2015-08-26 19:07:43

Post modified date: 2015-08-27 16:01:59
Post modified date GMT: 2015-08-27 20:01:59

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