Caledon Citizen Export date: Sat Mar 29 11:54:06 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Three Sides to Every Storyby SHERALYN ROMAN I recall being told this once: there are three sides to every story, “his, hers and the truth.” In my mind, never has this particular saying been truer than right here, right now. Every day I turn on the news, review the headlines, monitor my various news and social media feeds and I see story after story that contradicts, redefines or changes altogether in the telling. I don't know about you but I am just about done with being told what to think, when to think it and more importantly, when to change what I've been told to think! Here are just a few recent examples: “We're now in wave three,” according to a recent tweet by the Ontario Hospital Association. The statement went on to say that, “strong adherence to public health measures is urgently needed to prevent overwhelming hospitals.” (If only that meant people like Sam Oosterhoff would just stay home.) Later that same day, Dr. Eileen de Villa claimed, “she believes it's still too early to say if the province is in a third wave.” Some in the medical community wonder if we will even see a third wave while epidemiologists are declaring the third wave will be worse than any other wave. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a wave of emotions I'd love to explain, using a tidal wave of words most of which are unprintable. Still related to COVID, some models are predicting that the variants of concern could see upwards of 6,000 cases per day by mid April. Six thousand a day! Meanwhile, we're also told by those in the know that “we're nearing the finish line,” gaining control of COVID and our numbers are decreasing. Do I need to stockpile more toilet paper or not? In other news, the province is re-opening, albeit cautiously, but be prepared folks, we could be heading straight back into lockdown as soon as April! On that note, am I the only one that thinks it's suspicious March Break was moved to just a few days after Easter celebrations? Am I the only one that thinks it might make it easier to shut down schools altogether once this “March” break is over and the warmer weather is here? I mean, obviously we don't need to shut down schools – after all they don't spread COVID but just in case all this third wave stuff is true, it's good to have a back up plan. As for us locally, we're being told that Peel's numbers are declining, finally! According to Dr. Loh, they are “heading the right way.” Yet, we're closing the Amazon facility located in Peel and with over 5,000 workers, we must assume many them live in Peel. Apparently the virus is spreading within Amazon at a faster rate than within Peel Region but this just makes me wonder, are Peel's numbers really going down? At least Amazon is paying its employees during the closure so that's a win! In other news, anyone who wants a vaccine can get a vaccine. Just, not yet. Everyone is working on it. We recruited an ex-Armed Forces General to coordinate the rollout and perhaps he's done a good job, we just don't know it yet because there's not enough vaccine to go around. In good news, if you are over 80, go get your vaccine. The bad news, don't get the Astra Zeneca vaccine. In fact, Astra Zeneca is only approved for use in those up to age 64. Wait – that news just changed! Now Astra Zeneca is approved for those over aged 65. The cynic in me wonders if an April 2nd expiry date has anything to do with this most recent change in directive? Oh, and in case you missed it, Astra Zeneca isn't safe. It might be causing blood clots and it's being pulled from use in some European countries. But ours are ok. They are from a “different batch.” Whatever that means. My head is reeling. I've tried ignoring the news. I've done a ruthless edit in an attempt to eliminate questionable sources. At one point I deleted all social media from my phone. Nothing helps. It's been a year of three sides to every story and it's starting to feel like an old episode of The X Files. “The truth is out there….” Or is it? |
Post date: 2021-03-18 11:16:38 Post date GMT: 2021-03-18 15:16:38 Post modified date: 2021-03-18 11:16:43 Post modified date GMT: 2021-03-18 15:16:43 |
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