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Take an “Enchanted Journey” at The Blackhorse Theatre

Performances begin January 21

By Zachary Roman

Local thespians are bringing a fantastic fairytale story to the stage of The Blackhorse Theatre this month.

The theatre is all set to open performances of “The Enchanted Journey”, a children's play that was written by Cristina L. White. The play was first performed in January of 1975 and is being performed as the second production in The Blackhorse Theatre's 50th anniversary season.

In the play, a young prince has to set out on an adventure in order to rescue a princess who has been taken prisoner by a giant. On the young prince's journey, he'll encounter a musical jester, a fairy godmother, and two wicked witch sisters. The story has all the classic elements of a fairytale story: friendship, courage, and magic. 

The cast of the play features Melanie Burgess, Ginny and Ivor Cathcart, Michelle Lanoue-Williams, Robert Redden, Sandra Tamm, Rachel Whipple and Colleen O'Connell. The play is being directed by Cheryl Phillips.

The first performances of The Enchanted Journey will be on January 21, when two matinees (beginning at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.) and an evening show (beginning at 6:30 p.m.) will take place. Performances will continue on January 22, 28, and 29, and tickets for all performances are available online at

The Blackhorse Theatre is volunteer-based and is a non-profit charitable organization. All ticket proceeds go directly back to the theatre and it's always grateful for the continued support of patrons.

Performances start on Saturday January 21 with two matinees and an evening show, and continues on the 22, 28, with the closing performance on Sunday January 29th, 2023. Tickets are available for purchase online. For more information on curtain times, ticket prices, or to reserve your seats, please visit:

The Blackhorse Theatre is located at 17272 Mount Wolfe Rd. & Highway 9.

Post date: 2023-01-19 12:26:19
Post date GMT: 2023-01-19 17:26:19
Post modified date: 2023-01-19 12:26:23
Post modified date GMT: 2023-01-19 17:26:23
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