August 10, 2016 · 0 Comments
Do you know what to look for when choosing a franchise and how to negotiate your deal?
Caledon Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) at Caledon Community Services (CCS) in the Royal Courtyards Bolton, is hosting a workshop entitled Is Franchising for You? it will be Aug. 12, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Guest speaker Frank Wormsbecher will show attendees what to look for when choosing a franchise, discuss the franchisee agreement, and offer advice on how to negotiate the contract.
Wormsbecher has experience on both sides of franchising. After working in the corporate side of the business, he became a franchisee of two McDonald’s restaurants. He opened the highest transaction McDonald’s restaurant in the world in Bucharest, Romania. He also opened the first McDonalds in Slovenia and Bulgaria. Now with his 42 years of franchise experience, he trains people for a franchise career at Pizza Pizza.
Participants will come away from the session with knowledge of what assistance they will need as a franchise operator, what to look for and how to optimize their deal.
Book your seat by contacting Caledon SBEC at 905-584-2300, ext. 200, or [email protected]
Caledon SBEC is funded by the Town of Caledon and is one of the many initiatives operated by CCS.
The main office of CCS is at 18 King St. East in the Royal Courtyards, Upper Level in Bolton.
For more information, visit or call 905-584-2300.
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