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Readers helped raise more than $1,000 for women in need


Thank you for featuring Brock Weir's May 7 article “Can't find the perfect gift for mom? Consider ‘adopting' a mom in need”. As Board Chair at Shine Through the Rain Foundation, the story of moms like Sophia needed to be told.

Brock's article captured the unfortunate reality that patients and their families can face when diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses like cancer. With unexpected increased medical expenses and loss of income, it is easy to fall behind with the cost of everyday living, and many face disconnected utilities and eviction. They also have a hard time affording groceries and hospital parking costs. We appreciate you featuring this story and now, even more patients will know they can turn to Shine Through the Rain Foundation if they are diagnosed and in need of emergency financial assistance.

While gifts are nice, the greater wish is to be able to remain in your own home to focus on recovery.

As catastrophic health expenses are a reality, we appreciated the generosity of your readers who collectively provided close to $1,000 for mothers in lieu of other Mother's Day gifts. As our fundraising continues throughout the year, we can continue to help more patients in desperate financial situations. If anyone needs our assistance or would like to donate, please visit,, or call 905-477-7743 or email [email protected].

Jim Anderson


Shine Through the Rain


Post date: 2021-05-20 11:05:32
Post date GMT: 2021-05-20 15:05:32
Post modified date: 2021-05-20 11:05:36
Post modified date GMT: 2021-05-20 15:05:36
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