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Public parking in the Legion hall lot

Construction in Bolton has taken out a big chunk of the municipal parking lot.

Construction in Bolton has taken out a big chunk of the municipal parking lot.

By Bill Rea
Ongoing construction work has taken out a large chunk of the municipal parking in downtown Bolton.
But Caledon council has found a partial solution to the problem.
Councillors last week agreed to enter into an easement agreement with Northland Holding Corp. to use the parking lot in the former branch of the Royal Canadian Legion on Ann Street.
Town staff reported new water mains are being installed by Peel Region to increase water pressure to developments on the north hill of the village. The disruption is expected to last through the holidays and impact on local businesses.
Staff also reported the work in the parking lot involves tunnelling, which has taken out 23 of the parking spots in the lot.
Northland Holding offered the use of the lot, provided it's covered under the Town's insurance, and that the municipality take on snow clearing and clean-up.
Staff also said the agreement will be for one year, with the opportunity of an extension for another year.
Staff said the construction work is slated to last about two months, and the lot will have to be paved. That work is expected in May.
Councillor Patti Foley said the lot at the former Legion hall will have to be paved and lined, and that should happen by the end of the month.
“It will compensate for the spots that are temporarily missing,” she observed.
Foley also pointed out new lines have been painted in the municipal lot to designate new parking sports to work around the construction site.
Post date: 2013-11-28 16:31:36
Post date GMT: 2013-11-28 21:31:36
Post modified date: 2013-11-28 16:31:36
Post modified date GMT: 2013-11-28 21:31:36
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