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Province seeking input on GGH through online survey


The Ontario government is launching an online survey that will help inform long-term transportation planning for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and guide highway and transit investment from today to the year 2051. Gathering input directly from communities is part of the government's commitment to develop regional transportation plans that reflect local needs and priorities.

“We've received great feedback as we develop this transportation plan and are encouraging even more people to participate in helping to shape the future of transportation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe,” said Caroline Mulroney, Minister of Transportation. “This survey is incredibly important. We need the community to take part in order to build a high functioning and efficient transportation system that will keep families and the economy of the Greater Golden Horseshoe moving.”

This regional transportation plan will help renew and expand modern infrastructure, foster a healthy environment, and allow the region to stay competitive in a global economy. By participating in the development of the plan, local residents can help ensure the plan meets the environmental, economic and social needs of the families, businesses and communities throughout the region.

The survey is the latest step in continued engagement with the general public, municipal and freight stakeholders, businesses and Indigenous communities. A summary of the survey findings will be produced by the Ministry of Transportation and posted on the Greater Golden Horseshoe transportation plan web page.

The Greater Golden Horseshoe is the urban region centred around the City of Toronto and extends from Waterloo, Wellington and Brant County from the west, Peterborough and Northumberland from the east, Simcoe County to the north, with Haldimand and Niagara to the south.

In 2016, there were 33.3 billion passenger-kilometres and 3.9 billion commercial vehicle-kilometres travelled and a total of $1.05 trillion in commodity value of goods transported on the provincial road network in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

By 2051, population and employment are forecasted to grow from 9 million to 14.9 million people, and 4.5 million to 7 million jobs, respectively.

Ontario is developing regional plans across the province, starting with Connecting the Southwest: A Draft Transportation Plan for Southwestern Ontario, which was released in January 2020.

Post date: 2020-09-17 11:28:09
Post date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:28:09
Post modified date: 2020-09-17 11:28:12
Post modified date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:28:12
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