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Police warn motorists to be ready for coming winter

Caledon OPP are reminding motorists that winter is fast approaching and that driving conditions can change rapidly and unexpectedly.
Police are encouraging motorists to drive with extra care and to ensure their vehicles are fully prepared to meet the challenges winter driving brings.
Get your vehicle ready
• Install four winter tires. Winter tires provide the vehicle with more traction and handle freezing temperatures better than all-season tries.
• Have an ice-scraper or snow brush in the vehicle at all times.
• Keep the windshield washer fluid topped up and keep an extra container in the vehicle.
• Keep the fuel tank at minimum half full in the event of getting stranded and to prevent condensation from developing in the tank.
• Keep an emergency kit in the vehicle. Items should include a charged phone, water, non-perishable food, flashlight, blanket, warm clothes, jumper cables, shovel, candles, and a lighter or matches.
Adjust your driving habits
• This means slow down, be alert and stay in control.
• Keep headlights on during the day and evening throughout the winter.
• Leave extra space between vehicles.
• Know your location.
• Monitor road and weather conditions before heading out.
• Allow plenty of time to get to the destination.
• Never pass a snow plow and keep a safe distance back from maintenance equipment when you see blue flashing lights.
Do not to call OPP for road reports. Instead, obtain information about road conditions and reports through the Ministry of Transportation by visiting or calling 1-800-268-4686. For more information on winter driving, visit
Post date: 2017-11-15 13:43:50
Post date GMT: 2017-11-15 18:43:50
Post modified date: 2017-11-17 16:05:50
Post modified date GMT: 2017-11-17 21:05:50
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