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OPP investigating another keyless car theft in Southfields

On Tuesday, Sept. 8, at approximately 10:15 a.m., officers from the Caledon OPP Detachment responded to a reported theft of a vehicle on Dougall Avenue in Caledon.

The complainant advised that a new model Range Roger was stolen from the driveway of their residence overnight. The complainant also stated that the vehicle was locked and all key fobs were accounted for.

After reviewing security video footage, officers discovered that at approximately 2:38 a.m. two male suspects arrived in a vehicle and parked across the street from the complainant. The suspects then proceeded to exit the vehicle and walk towards the complainant's residence.

Within seconds, one of the suspects is observed unlocking and starting the Range Rover, then reversing it out of the driveway. The second suspect is seen running towards the vehicle they arrived in, who then follows the stolen car on Dougall Avenue.

The video shows a motorist who had potentially witnessed the incident. The driver appeared to slow down around the complainant's driveway as the suspects were stealing the car. The investigators do not believe that the driver is involved in the theft, however, police are interested in speaking to the driver - please contact the Caledon OPP Community Street Crime Unit at 905-584-2241 or toll-free at 1-888-310-1122.

You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at When you contact Crime Stoppers you stay anonymous, you never have to testify, and you could receive a cash reward of up to $2000 upon an arrest.

Police are asking residents who reside in the local area to check any surveillance footage they might have captured of the suspects or suspect vehicle between 1:00-3:00 a.m. on the 8th of September 2020.

Police want to remind residents that thieves are increasingly using technology to assist them in stealing newer high value vehicles. Relay Thefts as they are called involve using technology to boost and exploit the signals sent out by a vehicles legitimate key fob, allowing the thieves to unlock and start the vehicle remotely. Residents can help protect their vehicles by taking any of the following crime prevention measures:

Make sure your car keys are kept well away from doors and windows;

Use signal blocking pouch - they can block your car key fob from transmitting its code to the vehicle, as the pouch is lined with layers or metallic material;

Turn off keyless fob wireless signal at night - refer to your car manual for instructions;

Use a steering wheel lock or car alarm - this could significantly delay or discourage the thief; 

Consider an audible car alarm - which works by using sensors placed in different points of your vehicle;

Fit a car tracker - unusual activity is monitored and car can be followed through GPS if stolen, and most importantly,

Always lock your car, never leave it running and unattended, and remove all valuables from plain view.

Street Crime unit executes search 

warrant at local residence

The Caledon Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) with the assistance of OPP Emergency Response Team and Tactics and Rescue Unit, arrested two parties in relation to a drug trafficking investigation in Bolton.

On Friday, Sept. 11, a search warrant was executed at a residence on Trailview Lane in Bolton during which the following items were seized: Canadian currency - approximately $2,000; Cocaine - 29 grams; Suspected cutting agent - 31 grams; Cannabis - 60 grams; Raw tobacco; Bags and packaging materials; Digital scales; Five cellular phones, and an imitation firearm

As a result, a 19-year-old resident of Caledon, stands charged with: Possession of a schedule I substance for the purpose of trafficking - cocaine; Trafficking in schedule I substance - cocaine; Possession of imitation weapon for dangerous purpose; Unauthorized possession of a weapon; Possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to Prohibition Order; Failure to comply with release order - other than to attend Court; Possessing cannabis for the purpose of selling; Distribute illicit cannabis, and Possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime under $5000.

A 19-year-old resident of Guelph-Eramosa Township has been charged with: Possession of a schedule I substance for the purpose of trafficking - cocaine; Trafficking in schedule I substance - cocaine; Possession of property property obtained by crime under $5,000; Distribute illicit cannabis, and Possessing cannabis for the purpose of selling.

 Both accused parties were held for a bail hearing and will appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on a later date to answer to the charges.

Hwy. 10 collision brings charges

On Sunday, Sept. 13, at approximately 8:25 am, officers from Caledon OPP responded to a single motor vehicle collision on Highway 10 at Chester Drive in the Town of Caledon.

A southbound vehicle lost control, rolled over and struck a light pole.

The driver was arrested at the scene and transported to the Caledon Detachment, where breath tests were conducted.

As a result, Reece Shaw, 23 years old, of Guelph has been charged with: Operation while Impaired - Blood Alcohol Concentration over 80mgs

The accused is expected to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on November 26, 2020 to answer to the charges.

Anyone who may have witnessed the collision is asked to contact the OPP Caledon Detachment at (905) 584-2241.

Impaired driver crashes stolen car

On Sunday, Sept. 13, at approximately 12:44 pm, officers from Caledon OPP responded to a multi-vehicle collision at the intersection of Caledon/East Garafraxa Townline and Shaws Creek Road in the Town of Caledon.

Prior to police arrival one of the drivers fled the scene on foot.    Officers were able to locate and arrest the driver who fled.

There were minor injuries sustained by other drivers and passengers that were treated at scene by paramedics.

Further investigation determined that the vehicle being operated by the driver who fled had been stolen from the Waterloo area earlier in the day.

As a result of the investigation, Cameron Gingrich, 18 years old, from Cambridge has been charged with the following offences: Operation while Impaired - Drug Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5000 Fail to Stop at Collision Drive Motor Vehicle No License

The accused is expected to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on November 26, 2020 to answer to the charges.

Caledon OPP extends services with 

new community centre in Southfields

With the opening of the Southfields Village Community Centre this month, here is what the members of the community need to know about the Caledon OPP Extended Service Office (ESO) located within the community centre:

Like other ESO locations in Bolton and Belfountain, the Southfields office will allow officers to carry out their administrative duties while remaining deployed in their patrol areas, helping to reduce response times and increase officer visibility and presence within the community.

Southfields ESO is not a reporting location and is not staffed 24/7. In an emergency, dial 9-1-1; Non-emergency calls - please call 1-888-310-1122,

Report crime online - our online Citizen Self Reporting tool allows you to report minor crimes such as theft, property damage and driving complaints. You can use this tool to submit a report from your computer or mobile device without going to an OPP detachment. All submissions will be sent directly to the OPP and reviewed by an officer.

“The Southfields ESO will allow our officers to spend more time in the community by increasing officers' visibility and decreasing their response time to calls. Through general patrols, traffic enforcement, community events and bike patrols, our officers are looking forward to continue building strong ties in Southfields as our community continues to grow,” says Caledon OPP Detachment Commander, Inspector Mike Garant.

Post date: 2020-09-17 11:17:34
Post date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:17:34
Post modified date: 2020-09-17 11:17:38
Post modified date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:17:38
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