This page was exported from Caledon Citizen [ ] Export date:Mon Sep 2 21:23:39 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Open letter to candidates for mayor --------------------------------------------------- This is the first time that I am running for public office and I have a different perspective on the political process than most of you. I see the future of our town being led by a mayor who thinks and acts differently. I have heard a lot of talking points, keywords and clichés. Admittedly, I am probably guilty of some of them myself. We all talk about accountability, responsiveness and customer service at Town Hall, but those are all just words. We need actions. Sept. 17 at the Cheltenham Area Residents Association all-candidates' meeting, I brought up my idea to implement a tracking ticket system at Town Hall. I was pleased with the response from the residents and I would like to take this opportunity to expand on my idea and get all of your commitments to have it implemented if you are elected as our mayor. Here is a brief overview of my vision for the tracking ticket system: Whenever there is interaction between a resident and a Town representative (councillor or staff member at Town Hall) in regards to an issue or concern that requires action, the Town representative would be obligated to create a tracking ticket and provide the resident the tracking number. This tracking ticket will contain the information regarding the issue or concern. The ticket will also show the next steps to work toward a solution and who will take those next steps. As the ticket moves through Town Hall, information will be added, such as results achieved or roadblocks to the process and again next steps must be added as the process should not stall. The resident will then be able to follow up with their ticket number and be able to quickly get answers as to where their issue stands without having to jump through multiple hoops and re-explain their situation. With a simple ticket number, they will be directed to the exact staff member who has the responsibility of their concern at that time. This will allow us all to track where issues get stalled and hold those staff members accountable. This will also eliminate the chance of any Town representative losing a resident's information or simply forgetting to respond to a resident. This will give Town Hall true transparency, true accountability and true excellence in customer service. I am asking all of the candidates for mayor to commit to the implementation of this system or to offer a better alternative. The citizens want action, not just words, and I feel that this is a great way to start. I look forward to your responses. Mark Radford Candidate Regional Councillor, Ward 2 --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2014-10-01 17:32:19 Post date GMT: 2014-10-01 21:32:19 Post modified date: 2014-10-01 17:32:19 Post modified date GMT: 2014-10-01 21:32:19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from