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Nicholas Chrobok’s sure he’s on the ‘right path’

By Bill Rea
27-chrobok - 2.75There are many paths one can follow when heading into the post-secondary world, and Nicholas Chrobok thinks biochemical science is the one for him.
That's what he plans to study this fall when he enters York University.
“I just feel like I'm on the right path now,” he said, adding he expects the field will suit his interests and open up opportunities too. He said becoming a doctor is a possibility, as well as concentrating on research. He's doing research work this summer at York as part of the Spark Program.
Chrobok, 18, has already demonstrated his ability to get on the path he wants, graduating this year from St. Michael Catholic Secondary School in Bolton with a 98.5 per cent average. That made him the top scholar in St. Michael's Class of ‘15.
He carried a seven-course load at school over the year which just ended. He finished with 100 per cent in calculus and chemistry, 98 per cent in English, advanced functions and religion and 97 in biology and physics.
“I always liked math, but it wasn't until high school that I really got into science,” he said.
What is the secret to Chrobok's remarkable academic success?
“I always say, ‘Aim higher. Always aim higher,'” he said. “Otherwise, you try to get by and you don't unlock your full potential.”
Although he concentrated a lot on his school work, Chrobok said he did find time for some extra-curricular activities. He was on the student council all for years at St. Michael, serving on the executive the last year. He was also in the Chess Club.
Looking to the future, Chrobok said that 10 years in the future, he could see himself in the health care or research field, but he was cautious when it came to his predictions.
“I don't want to get too far ahead of myself,” he said. “It might change when I get there, but I'm sure I'm on the right path.”
Nicholas Chrobok
Post date: 2015-08-17 16:10:10
Post date GMT: 2015-08-17 20:10:10
Post modified date: 2015-08-17 16:10:10
Post modified date GMT: 2015-08-17 20:10:10
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