This page was exported from Caledon Citizen [ ] Export date:Sun Jun 30 23:25:54 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: Newmarket hockey team inspires the community, raises funds for SaveStations --------------------------------------------------- Written By ROBERT BELARDI Grade 12 student Raychel Gillis, was scorekeeping her dad's hockey game last year. One of the fathers in contention, collapsed on the ice.  She sprung out from her scorekeeping box, scurrying over to the man down. Her CPR training was enough to embolden Gillis to attempt to save the man's life.  The one key factor you have to remember, about someone in cardiac arrest, is time. For every minute that passes, the chances of survival decrease by 10 per cent. In essence, there's a sure-fire ten-minute window.  Everyone in the Newmarket hockey rink that day, saw something. Call it a miracle or excellent teaching. Whichever one it is, Gillis saved the man's life.  Gillis, has earned plenty of praise from her family and friends and is venerated within the community. She has also, inspired a group of young women to promote CPR training.  The Central York Girls Hockey Association (CYGHA) Orange Crush Peewee hockey, discovered Chevy Good Deeds. Joining Good Deeds, the hockey team was required to contribute something positive to the community.  Inspired by Gillis' courageous effort, the girls, along with their manager Trish Murphy, wanted to increase the awareness and the importance of CPR training. The team, funded over $10,000; enough money to install SaveStations.  “So, they used our crowd funding platform. SaveStation has opened source crowd funding platform, to help people who want to do similar things. They basically used the platform, and they spread it out to their network of people and through that network, they were able to raise more than 10,000 dollars,” president of SaveStation, Deb Hennig said in a phone interview.  Hennig and Murphy, have known each other for years and Murphy encouraged this initiative.  The girls hockey team began teaching others how to perform CPR and also with the crowd funding platform, encouraged the construction of SaveStations in the community.  Last week, the hockey team unveiled the first outdoor 24/7 SaveStation AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Tower at the Newmarket River Commons, purchased with the funds raised by the team.  This device, uniquely, can teach people how to perform CPR if they have never been educated and instructs a user how to use the defibrillator.  “You open it. You grab the defibrillator. We really encourage it, there's a QR code that we actually placed at the front of these SaveStations. You can take your phone now, open up your camera app hold it over there and it opens up a video. A two-minute video on how to use that defibrillator that's located inside that SaveStation and it also shows somebody how to use CPR,” Hennig said.  The goal is to create mass awareness, understanding and create access to this item, to empower people for use in an emergency.  If you're ever in an emergency and someone is unconscious, phone 9-1-1 immediately. The dispatcher on the other line, has the ability to guide you to the nearest SaveStation to be used if the information is available.  On this SaveStation, all the names of the girls on the hockey team will be embroidered on the tower.  “I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the members of the CYGHA Orange Crush Hockey team for their commitment to saving lives and for this generous donation that will make Newmarket safer,” said Mayor John Taylor, in the press release.  “The girls hope this will inspire other businesses to get involved and help sponsor the placement of other outdoor SaveStations, in high traffic areas, throughout our community,” added Murphy in the release.  Hennig says, she can see SaveStations becoming a prominent feature in communities. She encourages communities to look into these products, that you can't miss by day and especially, when the tower's are illuminated by night.  Hennig also added, a SaveStation will be introduced in Aurora soon and will reveal who contributed to its development.  --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2020-08-06 11:25:51 Post date GMT: 2020-08-06 15:25:51 Post modified date: 2020-08-06 11:25:55 Post modified date GMT: 2020-08-06 15:25:55 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from