Caledon Citizen
Export date: Sat Mar 29 4:35:37 2025 / +0000 GMT

Mayor Marolyn Morrison — Shop the Neighbourhood initiative will take place Saturday

More than 100,000 small businesses are created each year in Canada and these small businesses are the foundation of the local economy in the neighbourhoods of towns like ours from coast to coast.
It is the small business person who drives the economic engines of our communities.
An initiative, known as Shop the Neighbourhood, will help to promote local shopping all across Canada Nov. 30. I encourage you to participate by supporting local Caledon businesses.
A strong local economy improves our community's quality of life and increases Caledon's live/work balance. Successful local businesses can help improve the Town of Caledon's non-residential tax assessment base by generating commercial assessment and wealth. Successful communities support business retention and assist, where possible, with the expansion of existing business in order to keep current employers in our Town. Caledon encourages and supports entrepreneurship development; helping new, small businesses establish themselves in our community.
The small and medium-sized business sector is vital to Caledon's local economy. These forward thinking entrepreneurial leaders provide local employment opportunities, tax assessment revenues and countless other spin-off benefits for our community. However, they need your support and your patronage if they are to succeed, grow and continue to contribute to our local economy.
Growth across our community is inevitable. Well-managed growth is necessary for any community that wants to offer its residents an exceptional quality of life. Caledon is one of those communities; our objective is to create a healthy, active, sustainable community in which people have the opportunity to both live and work.
An integrated community economic development program helps achieve that quality of life. By growing the industrial/commercial tax assessment base of our Town, we can provide higher quality public services for citizens.
The Town of Caledon receives revenue from user fees (e.g. summer camps, public skating), development charges for new construction, and assessment growth (taxes). Revenue from these sources goes toward the delivery of cost-effective programs and services for our residents. This means improved roads and infrastructure, increased recreation opportunities and enhanced community safety, among other things.
These strategic objectives, together with their accompanying action plans, will assist Caledon to maximize its opportunities, realize its potential and maintain a high quality of life.caledon_mayor_morrison
Post date: 2013-11-29 12:28:15
Post date GMT: 2013-11-29 17:28:15

Post modified date: 2013-11-29 12:28:15
Post modified date GMT: 2013-11-29 17:28:15

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