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James Bolton Public School students collect over 500 boxes of cereal for food bank

Students and staff set up the boxes for epic domino display before donating them


Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Bolton elementary students are learning the true meaning of kindness. 

Students at James Bolton Public School recently collected and donated over 500 boxes of food to The Exchange, Caledon's food bank run by Caledon Community Services.

Before donating the cereal, the school community had great fun with the boxes they collected.

On March 6, they set up all the boxes like dominoes around the school. The train of boxes went all around the school and even upstairs. All the school's students came out of their classes to watch the awesome dominoes display. Then, the boxes were packed up for donation.

Caledon's Peel District School Board trustee Stan Cameron noted the school only has around 365 students, making the total number of boxes collected even more impressive.

“It's quite a gift to see children and families donating to those with less than they have… giving for the love of giving,” said Cameron.

Jeremy Taylor, principal at James Bolton Public School, said teaching students about the value of kindness is incredibly important to him. 

“Kindness will take people a long way in society… if they're good people, the world is going to be a better place,” said Taylor. “We've thought of ways we can infuse kindness into everything we do as a school.”

Post date: 2025-03-13 12:18:18
Post date GMT: 2025-03-13 16:18:18
Post modified date: 2025-03-13 12:18:25
Post modified date GMT: 2025-03-13 16:18:25
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