Caledon Citizen Export date: Sat Mar 29 0:43:45 2025 / +0000 GMT |
Golf tournament to benefit Caledon Seniors Centre expansionSeptember tournament being held at Caledon Country Club By Zachary Roman A golf tournament is being held to support the expansion of the Caledon Seniors Centre in Bolton. On Monday, September 26, golfers are invited to tee up at the Caledon Country Club in Inglewood. Tickets to the charity golf tournament are $150 per individual and $575 per foursome. All proceeds raised from the tournament will be going to the Caledon Seniors Centre expansion project. Ticket prices include 18 holes of golf, lunch, a golf cart rental, prizes, and more. Anna Altobelli-Murray, Fundraising Coordinator for the Caledon Seniors Centre, explained there's going to be some fun contests going on at the tournament. There's a prize for lowest score, but if you spend all day hitting balls into the trees there is a prize for the highest score too. There's going to be a longest drive contest, as well as a closest-to-the pin contest. Bungled your shot in one of the contests? Not to worry, mulligans are for sale and the money from them still goes to the expansion project. A unique contest for this tournament is the wackiest golf attire contest. The person with the zaniest clothing on the links can come home with a sweet prize. “Most outrageous golf attire… I really love it, so I hope people will dress up,” said Altobelli-Murray. “It's a nice day out and you're doing something good for the community. Our population is aging, as you know, and to get this Caledon Seniors Centre available for more seniors is what we're after. We've got to get this renovation paid for and up and running.” Altobelli-Murray explained planning for the tournament began two months ago and that some sponsors have already been secured — though more are welcome, of course. There are cart, hole, lunch, and prize sponsorship spots that are all still available. According to its website, the Caledon Seniors Centre is a not-for-profit, charitable organization created to provide the opportunity for older adults to come together and fulfill their social, educational, cultural and recreational needs. The golf tournament is the latest major fundraising initiative for the expansion of the Seniors Centre. Readers may recall earlier this year a Spring Fling Fashion Show was held at the Royal Ambassador Event Centre in support of the expansion, which raised over $16,000. There's also an ongoing bottle drive supporting Seniors Centre expansion efforts, and people can contribute to the drive by dropping off their empties in the container by the Seniors Centre kitchen door. The Centre is located at 7 Rotarian Way in Bolton. To register for the charity golf tournament, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, visit or email [email protected]. |
Post date: 2022-07-28 12:54:34 Post date GMT: 2022-07-28 16:54:34 Post modified date: 2022-07-28 12:54:36 Post modified date GMT: 2022-07-28 16:54:36 |
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