Caledon Citizen
Export date: Sat Sep 7 9:09:24 2024 / +0000 GMT

Dufferin-Caledon MP Kyle Seeback talks ‘big plans’ for local riding in 2020


Dufferin-Caledon MP Kyle Seeback looks back fondly on 2019, but is determined to provide local residents with the best representation possible in Ottawa as we move into the new year.

After securing 42 percent of the local vote in the Oct. 19 federal election, Mr. Seeback has been tasked with representing the Dufferin-Caledon riding in the nation's capital, and it's a responsibility he is not taking lightly.

In what will be his second stint on Parliament Hill, after previously representing the riding of Brampton West from 2011 to 2015, Mr. Seeback has promised to make a difference in Dufferin-Caledon, and plans to move forward with many of his campaign promises now we're into the new year.

We sat down with Seeback to discuss his thoughts on 2019, what was accomplished, and what we can look forward to in the new year.

When asked what he was most proud of during his successful election campaign, Seeback simply pointed towards the way he, and his opponents, conducted themselves during the entire process.

“We ran a very positive issue-based campaign. We were part of the Better Ballot initiative; all of us took that pledge in Dufferin-Caledon. So, we had a positive election, where all of the candidates just talked about the issues,” says Seeback. “For me, that was really a big highlight. That and winning the election, and then being named the Deputy Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Immigration.”

Seeback was announced the Deputy Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship on Dec 20, while also sitting on the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. 

Starting Jan. 23 in Shelburne, MP Seeback will be living up to one of his election commitments locally by beginning Town Hall style meetings. 

“The focus on the Town Hall is going to be on agriculture, because I know that we have some agricultural issues in the riding right now. But people can come and raise any issues they want. I always like to have a theme but it doesn't always mean that people can't ask other questions,” explains Seeback.

Another exciting development Seeback is in the process of organizing is creating a mobile office to serve other parts of the Dufferin-Caledon community. Currently, the MP's office is located on Broadway in Orangeville, but he thought it would be better to come up with a portable service for residents, rather than open up a second location. 

“I didn't think having a secondary office is fair to other parts of the Dufferin-Caledon community. Our first mobile office is going to be in Bolton on Jan 24, and it's going to be at the Caledon Centre for Wellness and Recreation,” explains Seeback. “People who need services for federal government services, they can come and meet them in Bolton, and will rotate throughout the riding, in Bolton, Southfields, Grand Valley, Shelburne as well as Honeywood.” 

He added, “The idea for me, back in the day when doctors used to make house calls. We're going to move this office around, make sure we advertise it well to those communities where we are going to be, so that people can come and get services from my office in their own community.”

During the campaign, Seeback pledged, and is currently organized, scheduled meetings with municipal counterparts to learn more and understand local issues in the Dufferin communities. 

“I want to make sure I know what those local issues are. Whether it's in Caledon, or Shelburne or any part of Dufferin. I want to make sure I know the local municipal issues, what the funding needs are, so that I can make sure that the government know that these are municipal priorities in Dufferin-Caledon,” comments Seeback. 

With so many things on the go for the new year, Seeback is committing to his promises and commitments he made during the campaign. Seeback will be introducing a private members legislation.

“I'm excited to introduce some private member's legislation, which is something I'm working on right now. I made a commitment to introduce, during the campaign, a private member's bill on democratic reform with respect to committees,” explains Seeback. 

Looking recreationally, Seeback wants to lend from an idea launched by current Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown when he was an MPP in Simcoe North. 

“My dream, which will take a lot of work, but it was started by Patrick Brown in Barrie, and he used to do Hockey Night in Barrie, and they would raise money for local charities. So, I'm looking to set up a first ever Hockey Night in Dufferin-Caledon, and try to get some former NHL players or current NHL players to come and play an exhibition game and all the money that we raise will donated to three local charities,” explains Seeback. “It's going to be a busy year, no doubt about it.”

For more information on MP Kyle Seeback and to learn more about what's coming up in 2020 visit

Post date: 2020-01-09 11:10:48
Post date GMT: 2020-01-09 16:10:48

Post modified date: 2020-01-16 11:34:31
Post modified date GMT: 2020-01-16 16:34:31

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