Caledon Citizen
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Donations to local charities encouraged for Giving Tuesday 

By Paula Brown

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Dufferin Community Foundation (DCF) is urging residents to “give where you live” as local charities prepare for their busiest fundraising efforts on Giving Tuesday.

The local foundation announced in a press release on Monday, November 25, that they have launched a campaign for Giving Tuesday, which will be held on December 3, to help connect residents from across the county with local charities in need of their support. 

“Our community is known for its caring and generosity, and we need to keep up the momentum to support our fellow citizens through this time of increasing need,” said Debbi Goss, Board Chair of the Dufferin Community Foundation. “Every gift counts – whether it's a donation of money or a gift of time or care.”

Giving Tuesday was founded in Canada in 2013 by Canada Helps and several other founding partners.

The day was originally created as a way to counteract the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday but has since grown to become a larger movement of supporting, giving and donating. 

Giving Tuesday boosts all areas of the local helping sector – human services, conservation and environmental organizations, arts & culture, animal welfare, health care, providing basic necessities and much more.

“This is the biggest giving day of the year,” said Michele Fisher, Executive Director of the Dufferin Community Foundation. “We've all seen that needs are increasing and that people are grappling with affordability. The charities are always on the frontlines, responding to that need. We thought it was important to focus on giving locally so that our charities could take action locally.” 

Close to 30 charities serving the Dufferin County and Caledon communities will be taking part in Giving Tuesday this year. 

Some of the charities will be using the day to reach specific fundraising goals, such as Services & Housing in the Province (SHIP), who is hoping to raise $10,000 for safe and supportive community-based housing, and CMHA Peel Dufferin, which is seeking $2,000 for local mental health services. 

Other charities will be running matching campaigns for Giving Tuesday, where a donor's impact can be doubled by individuals or businesses contributing matching funds. Headwaters Health Care Foundation is offering matching funds up to $15,000, while National Wildlife Foundation is matching gifts up to a maximum of $25,000. 

Choices Shelter and Support Service has teamed up with Home Depot through their Orange Door Campaign, which will see $2, $5, or $10 donations given to the local men's and youth shelter, which will be matched by the retailer. 

Local charities will not just be raising donations for their own initiatives on Giving Tuesday but will be using the movement to give back to the community at the same time. 

“It's in the DNA of anybody who's working in a charity to give to others. The service of helping people and strengthening communities is just part of what we all do,” said Fisher. 

Some other initiatives that will be happening on the day include the Shelburne Rotary collecting donations for its Holiday Hamper Program; Bethell Hospice Foundation inviting donors to give in memory of a loved one to their Light and Love campaign and tree lighting ceremony on December 5; and Dufferin Film Festival launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for film showcases and workshops in 2025. 

Dufferin Community Foundation's campaign for Giving Tuesday has a specific focus on donating and supporting charities within the Dufferin County area. 

“At Dufferin Community Foundation, it's our mission to support local charities, and to invest in them. So, for us, it was a natural thing to launch a giving campaign that's going to benefit all of our local charities, and not just us,” said Fisher. “Donating locally makes a huge difference because you can see your gift in action when you give to local charities,” said Fisher. 

Those who are not able to help on Giving Tuesday, are still encouraged to try to give over the holiday season, whether it's volunteering, supporting a community member or donating. 

“We all have a little something that we can give,” said Fisher. “By giving locally, you can see your gift in action. There's no better feeling.”

For a list of the charities participating in Giving Tuesday, visit Dufferin Community Foundation's website:

Post date: 2024-11-28 12:34:23
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