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Diamond Blackfan Anemia Canada receives $500,000 donation

Local charity supports research on Diamond Blackfan Anemia Syndrome


Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A generous donor has given renewed hope to a local charity that supports those suffering from a rare genetic disorder. 

Last week, William Vink donated $500,000 to Diamond Blackfan Anemia Canada (DBAC) to support research on Diamond Blackfan Anemia Syndrome (DBAS). DBAC also provides vital resources for families affected by DBAS.

Janet Pereira, Executive Director and co-founder of DBAC, said the organization is truly and deeply appreciative of the donation.

She said the generous contribution will significantly advance DBAC's ability to fund critical research and provide essential resources.

“This remarkable donation is truly transformational for our charity. When I founded Diamond Blackfan Anemia Canada in 2009 after my son Jack's diagnosis, my dream was to help fund a cure,” she explained. “While I still hold onto that hope, I've also realized how important it is to focus on improving the quality of life and longevity for those living with DBAS.”

In recent years, fundraising for DBAC had slowed and Pereira was becoming very concerned about how DBAC could continue to support the initiatives it wanted to. 

Pereira said Vink's donation was nothing short of an answered prayer. 

“It ensures we can sustain vital programs like funding innovative research, supporting the international consensus conference, and providing much-needed resources, including a dedicated DBA nurse,” said Pereira.

Vink's philanthropic efforts come from a deeply personal place. Vink, who has previously donated to cancer research in honour of his late wife, donated to DBAC in recognition of his grandson who lives with DBAS.

Pereira said on behalf of every DBAS patient and family, she wanted to offer sincere thanks to Vink.

“Mr. Vink's generosity has brought immense relief and renewed hope to our organization and community… we are committed to using every penny wisely and will keep Mr. Vink updated on the impact of his gift,” said Pereira.

DBAC is a small charity run entirely by volunteers. Those interested in learning more about it can visit or email Pereira at [email protected].

“This record-breaking donation will ensure the organization's mission continues to thrive and inspire hope for families affected by this rare genetic disorder,” said Pereira.

Post date: 2024-11-28 12:32:09
Post date GMT: 2024-11-28 17:32:09
Post modified date: 2024-12-02 11:17:35
Post modified date GMT: 2024-12-02 16:17:35
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