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CPHA issues warning over onions imported from California



The Public Health Agency of Canada has released information regarding an outbreak of salmonella cases found in yellow, red, white and sweet onions. 

Thomson International Inc. from Bakersfield, California released an announcement on Aug. 1 recalling the group of onions that were shipped from May 1, and onwards stating they have the potential to be contaminated with salmonella. 

The onions were distributed to wholesalers and restaurants as well as retail stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. 

Public Health Agency of Canada released information regarding the investigation of the outbreak that has caused over 500 confirmed cases of salmonella in Canada, two resulting in death. 

116 cases have been reported in British Columbia, 292 in Alberta, 34 in Saskatchewan, 25 in Manitoba, 24 in Quebec, only one in Prince Edward Island, and 14 cases here in Ontario. 

The health agency is instructing Canadians to not eat, serve or come in contact with the onions, or other products from the U.S company.

“Do not eat, use, sell or serve any red, white, yellow, and sweet yellow onions from Thomson International Inc., of Bakersfield, California, USA, or any products made with these onions. This advice applies to all individuals across Canada, as well as retailers, distributors, manufacturers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes,” read a statement. 

Alongside the onions, Public Health also reported salmonella linked to peaches that have been imported from the United States since August 23, with 48 cases here in Canada. 

Post date: 2020-09-17 11:26:38
Post date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:26:38
Post modified date: 2020-09-17 11:26:43
Post modified date GMT: 2020-09-17 15:26:43
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