Caledon Citizen
Export date: Mon Mar 31 23:48:57 2025 / +0000 GMT

Community was out for the annual Caledon Day festivities

The sounds of Sloan filled the air at the Caledon Town Hall campus Saturday night, bringing the Caledon Day festivities to a climax. The weather was threatening for a while during the afternoon, but the rain stopped and the sun came out to dry up the scene for the evening's entertainment.
Photos by Bill Rea

The opening ceremonies also included this circle dance, paying tribute to people who have lived on these lands for 13,000 years.

Suzanne Smoke of Alderville First Nation and her daughter Cedar of the Chippewas of Georgina Island performed at the opening ceremonies.

John Glenn State Farm agency was once again running the bike rodeo at Caledon Day. Josephine Sumner, 7, of Belfountain, was among those testing her skills on the obstacles.

There were lots of fun activities to amuse young and old at Caledon Day. Southfields Village twins Aiden and Mackayla Mackinnon were busy building bird houses from kits supplied by Home Depot at the eco-Caledon tent.

Maria Peppler joined Frank, Xavier, Aliyah and Chanda Leahy of Rhythmfoot from Orangeville as they put on a lively performance on the stage.

The Tragically Hip tribute band Practically Hip was performing on stage early in the evening.

Caledon Fire and Emergency Services and Caledon OPP were on hand displaying some of their equipment. Sara Hodgson, 7, and her sister Keira, 5, from Guelph were enjoying the view from this firetruck.

Master Instructor Winton Henry of Swar Taekwondo of Caledon East was holding this pad as instructor Bill Chambers demonstrated some kicks.

Kat Anderson was the MC at the main stage throughout the festivities.

Mayfield Secondary School student Jenna Pereira led the audience in O Canada at the opening ceremonies.

Post date: 2017-06-22 17:05:16
Post date GMT: 2017-06-22 21:05:16

Post modified date: 2017-06-29 16:25:34
Post modified date GMT: 2017-06-29 20:25:34

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