Caledon Citizen
Export date: Sat Mar 1 16:12:08 2025 / +0000 GMT

Committee calls for action after murder of Peel woman 

Peel Committee Against Women Abuse asks for government plan  

By Zachary Roman 

A local group dedicated to ending intimate-partner and gender-based violence is speaking out after a recent murder. 

On June 30, Tracy Lynne Iannuccilli was murdered, allegedly by her male partner in North York. She was born and raised in Brampton and had many connections in the Region of Peel.  

The Peel Committee Against Women Abuse (PCAWA) issued a press release on July 31 expressing outrage and sadness at the murder.  

“PCAWA sends our deepest condolences to her family and friends,” reads the release. 

The murder happened just eight days after the Region of Peel declared intimate-partner and gender-based violence an epidemic at its June 22 Council meeting. 

Rebecca Pacheco, a coordinator for PCAWA, was the one who delegated at the meeting asking for the declaration — which was unanimously supported. 

Peel is one of 40 municipalities across Ontario that has declared the epidemic. PCAWA said femicides are not isolated incidents, but rather the result of “systemic inequities and patriarchal systems that condone, normalize and encourage acts of violence towards women and gender-diverse individuals.” 

Andrine Johnson, co-chair of PCAWA, said the murder of Iannuccilli is the third femicide in 2023 to have a connection to Peel.  

“Gender-based violence is an epidemic, it is a systemic public health issue,” said Johnson. In Ontario there have been 30 femicides in 30 weeks… we need government recognition of this crisis and their plan for action.” 

PCAWA said in the coming months, it's going to be trying to arrange a meeting with political leaders at the municipal, provincial and federal level for a discussion on what actions and commitments are needed from the government to respond to intimate-partner and gender-based violence in the community.  

“We need immediate action. The trends show us that there will be at least one femicide, one life taken every week in our province,” reads PCAWA's release. “We need action for all levels of government that recognize the urgency of this crisis.” 

Pacheco said since gender-based violence is a systemic issue, it requires a systemic response to meaningfully address it. 

She said until everyone understands their responsibility in ending the epidemic, there will not be a change in trends.  

Post date: 2023-08-03 13:25:37
Post date GMT: 2023-08-03 17:25:37

Post modified date: 2023-08-03 13:25:40
Post modified date GMT: 2023-08-03 17:25:40

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