Caledon Citizen
Export date: Mon Mar 31 23:25:51 2025 / +0000 GMT

Chamber of Commerce presents awards

The Caledon Chamber of Commerce presented local entrepreneur Vera Robinson of The Naked Vine with the Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
The presentation was made Nov. 21 at the Chamber's annual Gateway to Christmas and Holiday Street,
“When we decided to present this award we put together the criteria we felt would exemplify such a person,” said Chamber Chair Valerie Arnold-Judge. “We were looking for someone who had drive, ambition, vision, tenacity and leadership. Someone who gave back to the community, demonstrates social responsibility and has personal integrity and values. The committee felt that Vera met all the criteria.”
Six years ago, Robinson and her sister Candace purchased a failing wine store business. The Naked Vine was established and now flourishes, showing a 600 per cent increase in business. During the time they were building the wine business, Robinson also ran, and continues to run, a successful maid service. Somehow she still finds time to give countless volunteer hours to many organizations.
Runner up for the award was Fleming Realty Inc., owned and operated by Sarah Fleming. A true entrepreneur, Fleming left a large real estate company to venture out on her own. She has enjoyed much success in her business and recently celebrated her fifth anniversary.
The Chamber also presented a Stellar Student Award to Frankie Loreno, a Grade 12 student at St. Michael Catholic Secondary School. When looking for a student who stood out by demonstrating leadership, involvement in volunteer activities, active in the community and, of course, a good student, they had a call from teacher Michael Gallo who suggested Loreno was the one they were looking for.
Post date: 2013-11-28 16:35:06
Post date GMT: 2013-11-28 21:35:06

Post modified date: 2013-11-28 16:35:06
Post modified date GMT: 2013-11-28 21:35:06

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