Caledon Citizen
Export date: Mon Mar 31 23:46:41 2025 / +0000 GMT

CCS Caledon East assisted living program service expands

Caledon Community Services (CCS) is expanding its already existing Caledon East services for seniors in partnership with the Central West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
CCS provides a supportive housing, assisted living program in the Walker Road seniors building in Caledon East. The program, which used to provide eight hours of service daily, will now provide frail elderly individuals who live in the building 24/7 service throughout the year.
A corresponding community program will provide services by personal support workers to residents within a five-kilometre radius of 20 Walker Rd. The targeted population will be high-risk frail seniors, focusing first on the frailest seniors living in the area. Seniors will have the opportunity to remain in their homes longer by receiving the level of care that they require from CCS.
“Increasing services to around-the-clock in our Walkers Road assisted living building allows our community's seniors to remain in their homes and in their community,” commented CCS Director of Health Services Geraldine Aguiar. “We appreciate our partnership with the Central West LHIN and their support of health and care service in Caledon.”
CCS also coordinates senior services such as supportive housing, respite care, transitional care-from hospital to home and transportation.
For more information regarding assisted living services, contact Manager Health Services Caroline Petrie at 905-584-2300, ext. 263 or visit
Post date: 2013-08-29 13:36:33
Post date GMT: 2013-08-29 17:36:33

Post modified date: 2013-08-29 13:36:33
Post modified date GMT: 2013-08-29 17:36:33

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