
Golden Hawks thwart Siskins comeback in shootout victory

December 18, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Jake Courtepatte It was the first trip of the season to Stayner for the Junior C Caledon Golden Hawks last Thursday, in a game ...

DQ Athletes of the Week — December 18, 2014

Robert F. Hall sports round up — Several teams open seasons with wins

By Gabi Best November was filled with tryouts and exhibition games for the Robert F. Hall Wolf Pack teams. All the teams finished with wins ...

Curlers play cold turkey to clebrate Christmas

By Shellee Morning King Curling Club What do turkeys and curling have in common? Nothing, except when there’s a Turkey Shoot. For a little extra ...



Brewers prepare for AAA baseball in Greater Toronto

By Jake Courtepatte With baseball season fast approaching, the Bolton Dodgers senior men’s baseball team has already dusted off the mitts to prepare for the ...

DQ Athletes of the Week — April 9, 2015

George’s cruises through playoffs to take men’s hockey league title

George’s Arena Sports cruised to the Caledon Senior Hockey League title Monday night with a 7-4 win over Fines Ford Lincoln. The win at Don ...

Register for Caledon East tennis

The Caledon East Tennis Club will be holding its annual registration April 22. It will be at the Caledon Community Complex, at 6215 Old Church ...

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