Caledon Citizen
Export date: Fri Mar 28 23:43:38 2025 / +0000 GMT

Caledon’s Webster tops podium at elite Spartan Race

Lindsay Webster is the ultimate Spartan.

It's a fairly daunting title, and one the 29-year old from Caledon will have the opportunity to uphold in the fall, qualifying for the 2018 Spartan World Championship after a first-place finish at the Seattle U.S. National Spartan Race last weekend.

Making a name for herself in the Obstacle Course Race (OCR) world with runner-up finishes at the Spartan World Championship in 2015 and 2016, Webster was the first woman to cross the finish line in the elite division at the 2017 event in Squaw Valley, California last October, netting $15,000 in her effort of just over three hours.

She returned to the top of the podium last Sunday in the highly-competitive Seattle regional event, one of five regional qualifying events for the Worlds throughout the United States.

Needing only a top ten finish, Webster topped her nearest competitor by 29 seconds, joining fellow OCR heavyweight Faye Stenning in beating the third place finish by close to three minutes.

Webster and her competitors were forced to deal with a muddy course following days of rain in the Snohomish area, at the base of Cascade Mountain.

Following a steep, mud-caked climb at the start of the race, Webster fought through over eight miles of difficult terrain, riddled with obstacles ranging from a wire crawl over wet sand to a fire jump right before the finish line.
Webster is now gearing up for the 2018 World Championship after her qualifying win, pitting runners from thirty countries against each other to earn the ultimate prize of Spartan World Champion, happening in late September in North Lake Tahoe.

The win also qualified her for the North American Championship, held in August in West Virginia.

She was one of 15,000 competitors taking part in her successful 2017 world title.
Post date: 2018-04-26 14:26:00
Post date GMT: 2018-04-26 18:26:00

Post modified date: 2018-04-26 14:27:29
Post modified date GMT: 2018-04-26 18:27:29

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