Brooks Athletes of the Week — April 28, 2016
 Mayfield Secondary School Mason Somanlall This Grade 9 student is a flanker on the junior boys' rugby team, which won its first game last week against Humberview. He also played defensive back on the junior football team in the fall. Away from school, he said he used to play house league basketball in Brampton. The 15-year-old lives in Brampton.
 Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School Seleste Ayala This 14-year-old plays midfield for the junior girls' soccer team, and the squad opened their season with a 3-0 win. She is planning to go out for track and field, specializing in the 1,500 metres. Away from school, she plays rep soccer with Milton Magic, and is also active in the Citrus Dance Club in Orangeville. The Grade 9 student lives in East Garafraxa.
 St. Michael Catholic Secondary School Hailey Mazzatenta This 16-year-old is a centre back on the varsity girls' soccer game, which opened the season with a 2-1 victory. She was also a running back of the school's flag football team in the fall. In the community, she's a rep player in the Vaughan Soccer club. The Grade 11 student lives in Bolton.