
Boynton ties it by just five millimetres in King curling

December 3, 2014   ·   0 Comments

By Shellee Morning
King Curling Club
Teams Boynton and Davis, two well-known veterans of the sport, went end-for-end in last week’s Men’s A Division action.
Both skips taking charge of the house required precise rock placement for tight guards from their front end, as well pressure take-outs from their vices, all in preparation to setting up the rings. Right from the first push from the hack, Skip Scott Boynton, Darren Campbell, Craig Hatt and Don Keogh applied pressure in the game of inches to Skip Karl Davis and his team. As millimetre misses popped up between both teams, the players were also able to collect themselves with re-bounding shots to keep it close.
Gary Boose, Joe Burnato and Jack Purves (spare for Steve Broad) played with a force of strength ensuring a last shot was available for their skipper. With the house crowed with Boynton stones in the sixth, Davis’s only shot for a single point was an in-off of one of his own against two counting rocks innocently perched in the four-foot rings. It was a pressure shot that needed to be executed with exact weight and sweepers powerfully brushing to avoid the over curl. When the dust settled, the Davis stone stopped perfectly for the one-point lead.
During play in the final end, Boynton threw a perfect raise into the red four-foot zone, once again leaving Davis having to remove one of his own off the top of the house hopefully to create an opening, just so he had a shot in the end. The angle raise on Davis’s final throw appeared to be in counting range. Boynton with the hammer and not sure who’s rock was closest, took a gamble and attempted to throw an angle raise of his own just to make sure. After superior sweeping by Boynton’s front end Hatt and Keogh, the rock hung out in the fresh ice not curling quite enough for impact. A measurement was required to determine who had the closer stone and with a difference of just five millimetres, the Boynton team in the end, did indeed have the closer stone for the point and tie the game.
Men’s league first invitational
The first King Country Invitational, hosted by the King Curling Club men’s league, was held last weekend in a two-day event that saw 14 teams from across southern Ontario. Thirty games were played in the three-game round robin format with two teams in each division moving on to the elimination rounds between the A and B groups.
The championship game was between Team Johnson from Sutton versus Team Truscott from Scarborough Golf and Country Club. After the perfectly executed doubles and draws by both teams, Team Truscott claimed the inaugural event’s victory title. Congratulations to Skip Gregg Truscott, Vice Greg Mulvey, Second Jim Chung, and Lead Andrew Stefaniuk.
The consolation championship game featured a family duo, both of which were from the King Curling Club. Skip George Gerrits, Vice John Headley, Second Andrew Gerrits (son) and Lead Chris Welch were matched against The Young Bucks, another Gerrits team, skipped by son Tim Gerrits, Vice Andrew Welch (son of Chris Welch), Second Colin Gerrits (another son) and Lead Graeme Fleming.
Whenever the father and son teams pair up for a game, it’s sure to be exciting and serious because it’s all about the bragging rights.
Strategy along with 100 per cent team work were key for the Young Bucks in their nail-biting victory that helped them take over for the victory in their first ever bonspiel win. Skip Tim Gerrits, sporting his trademark smile, commented that “this was the most fun I’ve had at a bonspiel and (humbly said) our team really played well.”
Gerrits also complimented the organizers on a great job for a very successful event.
The Invitational also had a guest appearance from Ron Swan, who is curling 100 games in 100 different clubs across the nation, all in an effort to raise money for his own hometown curling club in Harvey Station, New Brunswick. Due to the outstanding support of players that participated in the raffle and the Cool Curling event, the Men’s League was proud to donate $300 to Swan’s Curling Across the Nation Fund.
Special thanks to the many sponsors who contributed prizes for the winners and the raffle table. To the Nobleton Lakes Golf and Country Club food and beverage staff for providing the dinner, and congratulations to the entire organizing committee for a hugely successful and memorable event.

Jack Purves measures the final rock thrown by Skip Scott Boynton in last weeks’ men’s league action. The point per end game resulted in a 5mm difference after the measurement went to Team Boynton for a 6-6 tie. Photo by Shellee Morning

Jack Purves measures the final rock thrown by Skip Scott Boynton in last weeks’ men’s league action. The point per end game resulted in a 5mm difference after the measurement went to Team Boynton for a 6-6 tie.
Photo by Shellee Morning



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