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Bolton Skating Club endures changes during pandemic


Changes seems to be the proverbial term lately for everything. With the ominous pandemic, it's axiomatic programs will not be the same for the rest of the season until it's safe to do so. 

That's the case for the Bolton Skating Club who is experiencing a shift in their business. 

“As of October 9, we had to cancel our Canskate. Pre-power and Junior Power Skating Sessions. We are continuing to run our Starskate, Intermediate and Senior Power Skating Programs,” wrote President Julie McKay to The Citizen. 

Skate Ontario requires every skating club to allow only those who have passed Canskate 1 to be on the ice. 

McKay says this is to ensure that coaches and program assistants do not have to assist young learners. Young learners need help getting up or assisting with balance and due to new measures, physical assistance is not possible during this time. For this year, the program has been cancelled. 

For this season, 10 participants will be allowed on the ice. The ratio depends on skaters and coaches. There can be eight skaters and two coaches, or seven skaters and three coaches. 

Also, for this year, protocols have been set in place for everyone arriving at the rink. 

“All skaters are required to arrive at the rink, prepared to skate (meaning skates/equipment on). A coach will meet the skaters at the door and go through our screening process before they guide them to the ice. Masks are worn until they reach the ice surface.” 

For the rest of the club carrying out annual testing, McKay says she expects test days to commence as normal for newer skaters. For experienced skaters, preparing for higher testing modules, their days are prescheduled with other clubs. McKay is awaiting further information on how those protocols will work. 

As for figure skating competitions, this year is completely a write off. McKay does not expect anyone from the club to participate. 

Bolton Skating Club will continue to run everything as scheduled with the hopes of avoiding further limitations or a potential shut down should public health step-in to make such a case. The number of daily new infections might determine the local skating club's season. 

Post date: 2020-10-22 11:13:34
Post date GMT: 2020-10-22 15:13:34
Post modified date: 2020-10-22 11:13:38
Post modified date GMT: 2020-10-22 15:13:38
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