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Award-winning Canadian author to visit library

Did you know that the United States is the only remaining country in the world with a large population of chimpanzees held captive in its laboratories for use in research?
Did you know that Canada has a chimp sanctuary whose primary objective is to create a protected environment for neglected, abused farm and domestic animals and former biomedical research chimpanzees?
Caledon Public Library welcomes Canadian author Andrew Westoll, who documents his intimate relationship with traumatized chimps in his novel, The Chimps of Fauna Sanctuary: a Canadian Story of Resilience and Recovery.
He will be appearing at the Albion-Bolton branch Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.
This book won the 2012 Charles Taylor Prize for Literary Non-Fiction and describes Westoll's heart-warming and heart-wrenching adventures as a volunteer caregiver in the chimphouse at Fauna Sanctuary. He will speak about his experiences at the sanctuary and how he was witness to the chimps' remarkable recovery first-hand. He will also discuss his newly published debut fiction novel, The Jungle South of the Mountain.
Online self-registration is now open for this exciting free event. Just visit the library website at to register.
Copies of the Westoll's books will be available for purchase and signing through the partner for this event, Forster's Book Garden.
Post date: 2016-09-29 16:52:14
Post date GMT: 2016-09-29 20:52:14
Post modified date: 2016-09-29 16:52:14
Post modified date GMT: 2016-09-29 20:52:14
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