Caledon Citizen
Export date: Tue Feb 11 23:41:19 2025 / +0000 GMT

100 Women Who Care Caledon gather for first meeting of 2020


The 100 Women Who Care Caledon have held their first of four meetings planned for 2020, all in order to raise money for local charities. 

On Feb 20, members gathered together for their first meeting raising money to donate to the latest recipient, and first of 2020, Everdale and the Good Food Project who grow healthy produce for local food banks.

The 100 Women Who Care Caledon began in 2017 and get together four times a year to observe presentations in order to come up with a decision on who the money raised should go to. 

Each meeting takes about an hour to raise donations. $26,000 was raised in 2019, totalling over $85,000 raised overall since 2017. 

Meetings are held at the Caledon Ski Club, who have donated their space to the 100 women in partnership since the chapter began.

In 2019, Wellspring Chinguacousy Cancer Support Centre won one of the groups donations, and say that the donation goes a long way. 

“We do not receive any annual- government funding. We are grateful for the support and commitment from our community partners, like 100 Women Who Care Caledon.  The generosity of this group of caring and compassionate women has made a life changing difference, to the lives of many,” said Executive Director of Wellspring, Alex Smith.

The Meaghan Zaremba Music Room was also a recipient of the generous donation from the group. Mary Balionv from The Meaghan Zaremba Music Room stated, “the generous donation from 100 Women Who Care Caledon, has allowed us to remove 15 special needs individuals that were on our waiting list.  We fully support and appreciate the wonderful organization of 100WWCC for providing funding to local charities.  Thank you from all of us at the MZMR for all you do in our community.”

100 Women Who Care Caledon are aiming to raise $100,000 in 2020.

For more information about the 100 Women Who Care Caledon, please visit 

Post date: 2020-03-05 12:42:08
Post date GMT: 2020-03-05 17:42:08

Post modified date: 2020-03-12 11:44:40
Post modified date GMT: 2020-03-12 15:44:40

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