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Canada’s cost-of-living crisis must be addressed


We've all noticed an increase in our grocery, gas, and home heating bills over the last several months.

Canadians are paying more for the necessities of life and trying to do it with the same paycheque.

The cost-of-living crisis isn't something that quickly snuck up on Canada. It's been a growing problem.

Conservatives had warned the Liberal government about it long ago, but they ignored us and carried on with their disastrous economic policies. The crisis only worsened following the election and despite that, Prime Minister Trudeau still delayed recalling Parliament for two months. The crisis has now reached an all-time high. The Prime Minister must stop burying his head in the sand and address the cost-of-living-crisis in Canada. 

Statistics Canada recently announced that the annual pace of inflation rose to 4.7 per cent in October, which is the largest year-over-year gain Canada has witnessed since February 2003. This disturbing development demonstrates the catastrophic damage Prime Minister Trudeau and his Liberal government have inflicted on the Canadian economy by spending a whopping $400 billion above normal levels over the past two years, accompanied by a deficit among the highest in the G-20 last year. 

The rising cost of groceries and gas has contributed to soaring inflation rates to a new record-setting pandemic-era high. This spiralling inflation and cost-of-living crisis is having a devastating impact on families here in Dufferin-Caledon and across Canada. Constituents write me regularly expressing their concerns about the skyrocketing costs for the basics of life and trying to keep up with the same paycheques. What's worse, is they're telling me it's becoming so severe they're having to make the choice between paying their home heating bill and putting food on the table. No Canadian should be forced to make this impossible decision. We cannot continue with the Trudeau government's high tax, high-spending agenda. 

Last month, we wrote Prime Minister Trudeau to ask that the inflation-control target (set to lapse in just over a month) be renewed at its current rate. We did not receive a response from him. If the costs of food, gas, and housing continue on this trajectory without the federal government and the Bank of Canada taking action to renew the inflation-control target, Canadians will witness prices rising to levels that haven't been experienced in Canada since Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada.

Canadians have had enough of the current Prime Minister's disastrous economic policies and want a path forward. Conservatives believe that instead of creating cash, we should create what cash buys, which is more food, energy, and housing. We can make more by: approving projects that produce more affordable energy; cut taxes and red tape to help farmers, workers, and businesses supply more food and goods; and cancel payroll tax hikes to lower the cost of hiring and allow workers to keep more of their paycheques. We can also cost less by: stop printing money for government spending; review Prime Minister Trudeau's $100 billion slush fund and return to normal pre-COVID levels; and shut down the multi-billion-dollar infrastructure bank that has cost Canadians a fortune and failed to finish a single project. Our approach boils down to this: make more, cost less, with paycheques, not debt. 

Tackling skyrocketing inflation and the cost-of-living crisis is a top priority for me, as we begin the first weeks of the 44th Parliament. These issues are a top priority for me because they are for my constituents struggling to make ends meet under the current government.

My constituents and all Canadians deserve better than what they're receiving. They deserve a Parliament that will finally address the severe economic challenges facing Canadians across the country. 

Post date: 2021-11-25 12:33:28
Post date GMT: 2021-11-25 17:33:28
Post modified date: 2021-11-26 13:40:35
Post modified date GMT: 2021-11-26 18:40:35
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