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Summer 2018 could be stormy

Summer in the region looks like a mixed bag, according to the Weather Network. Meteorologists there forecast more hot weather than usual, though they don't see heat waves lasting quite as long as they did two years ago.

According to their website, “This region is expected to see more hot weather than last year, but we do not expect the persistent extreme heat that we saw two summers ago. This summer will be more changeable with periods of cooler weather during first half of June and then again during the second half of the summer. The most consistent warm weather is expected during the second half of June and well into July.”

They also expect cool weather to move in much earlier than last year when temperatures soared in September and October.

And while more rain is expected to fall this summer, it won't be the fault of more rainy days, but rather more stormy days that dump large volumes of precipitation. In fact, they say we can expect more thunderstorms than usual over the next few months.

In other words, when it will rain, it will pour.
Post date: 2018-06-07 12:18:34
Post date GMT: 2018-06-07 16:18:34
Post modified date: 2018-06-07 12:18:34
Post modified date GMT: 2018-06-07 16:18:34
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